




    毕业论文关键词  大型风电主轴锻件,倒棱滚圆,镦粗拔长,模锻,数值模拟,锻造工艺优化


    Title   Large-scale Windkraft Spindel Schmiedeteile Verfahren Numerische Simulation                                     


    2MW wind power spindle forging large as the research object, its complete forging forging process is pided into four steps, and the use of finite element software DEFORM, focusing on the chamfered round, upsetting, length, number of printed material and forging other steps were carried out numerical simulations. In the simulation analysis of the various steps in the internal stress and strain and precision forging size. 

    Firstly,The chamfering and rounding process of wind power axis are       simulated. During the simulation, the strain-stress distribution,temperature and the size precision of the final forging are discussed. With a flat anvil rounded,the cross-sectional average diameter of forging increases by 2.8% compared to the original. Secondly,The heading and stretching process of wind power axis are simulated. During the simulation, the impact of received-anvil- distance on surface defects the final forging are discussed. Setting the received-anvil-distance of 60mm , which not only improve work efficiency, but also to ensure the surface of the final forging. Thirdly,The die forging process of wind power axis is simulated. During the simulation, the strain-stress distribution,temperature of the final forging and the size precision are discussed. The average diameter of the final forging top top diameter than standard forgings increased 3.1% mm, bottom diameter than the standard diameter increased 0.6% mm, are in line with craft card requirements.

    Keywords  heavy axial forging, chamfering and rounding, heading and stretching, die forging, numerical simulation, forging process optimization

    目   次 

    1  绪 论 1

    1.1  选题背景及意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究概况 1

    1.3 有限元软件DEFORM-3D简介 2

    1.4 本课题研究内容 2

    2  大型风电主轴锻件锻造过程有限元模型建立

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