

    试验部分首先制作了纯铝、铝合金、不锈钢以及15CrMo的焊接接头试样,在制作不锈钢试样时,加入少许杂质粉末期望得到较大的体积型缺陷。在试验前期进行了传统超声波手动A扫进行初探并获得缺陷及母材的检测波形。进一步使用相控阵检测仪 EPOCH1000I进行了检测,并获得了相控阵检测扇形扫描结果。对检测过程以及所得到的结果进行对比分析。68183



    毕业论文关键词: 焊接检验  超声波A扫 相控阵检测


    Title    Phased Array testing of welded joints Study                     


    In this paper The first project produced four different materials butt joint specimens, including stainless steel design is a design defect through the ultrasonic A scan to detect and be detected waveform, and then obtained using phased array ultrasonic A scan test results with the test results were compared analysis.

    Test section first produced aluminum, aluminum alloy, stainless steel and 15CrMo welded joint specimens, in the production of stainless steel sample, adding a little impurity powder expect a larger volume type defects. In trials early for the traditional ultrasonic manual A-scan for Exploration and get defects and base metal detection waveform. Further use of phased array detector EPOCH1000I were detected, and get a phased array sector scan results. On the testing process and the results obtained were compared.

    The results showed that: aluminum defect is not detected in the sample; made of stainless steel sample defects, detects the presence of obvious defects; 15CrMo and aluminum alloys in the conventional ultrasonic A scan the specimen, the defects of the reflected wave is not obvious, but phased array technology used to detect the presence of the two distinct sample volumetric defects.

    Keywords :  Welding Inspection   A-scan ultrasound  Phased Array


    1.引言 0

    1.1选题背景及研究意义 0

    1.2超声波相控阵检测技术研究现状 0

    1.2.1 超声相控阵检测技术国外研究现状 0

    1.2.2超声相控阵检测技术国内研究现状 0

    1.3课题的主要研究内容及任务 0

    1.4 本章小结 0

    2 超声检测基本原理 0

    2.1传统超声波检测原理及特点 0

    2.2 超声波相控阵检测原理及特点 0

    2.3 本章小结 0

    3 试验材料以及设备 0

    3.1 试样材料及其制备 0

    3.1.1 纯铝对接接头试样 0

    3.1.2 不锈钢对接接头试样 0

    3.1.3 铝合金对接接头试样 0

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