

    毕业论文关键词:超高强硅酸盐   力学性能   影响因素  


    With the development of world military strength,the world puts forward more and more challenges for protective material.In today's world,armor material is now developing towards the direction of strengthening and toughening, light weight, multifunction and high efficiency.This paper is based on the preparation of high strength concrete.We use high hardness and high strength concrete in our experiment.We make full activity of siliceous material physical and chemical effects in the process of silicate structure,and choose super plasticizer to ensure high strength Portland concrete has good workability .Add a different aspect ratio, volume ratio of steel fiber,in this way ,we can gain high strength Portland concrete that toughness and resistance and effect of crack of it are enhanced.In a variety of molding mode and hydrothermal synthesis conditions,produce high Portland concrete which has low density (compared to ceramic armor materials),low cost and high toughness.This study has achieved very good results,especially in the improvement of super high strength Portland concrete flexural and compressive strength,which is done by the add of steel fibers.Our flexural strength is up to 64.9 MPa,and the compressive strength is up to 355 MPa.In comparison with those former studies,we have achieved a lot .In addition,other components in the collocation, our sample reached a higher numerical flexural and compressive strength.

    Key Words:Ultra high strength Portland   Mechanical properties   Influence factors  

    目   次 


    Abstract  4

    1.绪论 5

    1.1本课题研究背景及意义 5 

    1.2本课题研究目的和方法 6

    1.3本文主要研究内容 8


    2.1超高强度硅酸盐材料的制备途径 8

    2.2原材料及其基本特性 9


    2.2.2硅灰 9

    2.2.3石英砂 9

    2.2.4石英粉 10

    2.2.5钢纤维 10

    2.2.6陶粒颗粒 10

    2.2.7白刚玉 10

    2.2.8减水剂 11

    2.3实验设备 11

    2.3.1行星式水泥胶砂搅拌机 11


    2.3.3电热恒温水槽 12


    2.3.5液压式万能试验机13万能材料试验机 13

    2.3.7压力试验机 13

    2.4 超高强度硅酸盐试样制备方法 14

    2.4.1试样制备流程 14

    2.4.2成型方法 15

    2.5超高强度硅酸盐试样养护方法 15


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