

    毕业论文关键词: 复合热源,机器人系统,螺柱焊,改进与设计


    Title  Heavy component robot hybrid automatic stud welding  control system research


    this dissertation, a research has been made on the robot technology and stud welding technology, puts forward the new technology of organic integration of robotics and stud welding technology, namely the establishment of control system of hybrid automatic stud welding robot。 This paper is the design and development of the robot control system。 Based on the need analysis of automatic stud welding technology and engineering, design and improvement of the machine head device, sensing head stud welding robot clamping device for clamping plate, induction machine, automatic feeding system, electrical control system etc。。 In addition, this study is the first attempt to design a automatic control panel, easy to realize automatic control for switching function and manual control function。 From the point of view of the modern science and technology development, research on robot control system based on stud welding, many drawbacks of manual stud welding robot based on the composite heat source, automatic stud welding control system is becoming more and more important。

    keywords  Composite heat source,Robotics system ,studs welding , 

    Improvement and design

    目  次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景及选题意义 1

    1.2  螺柱焊接技术 1

    1.2.1  螺柱焊的原理 1

    1.2.2  螺柱焊的分类 2

    1.3  螺柱焊的特点与优势 2

    1.4  螺柱焊焊接的国内外发展与对比 3

    1.5  机器人国内外发展现状与对比 4

    1.5.1  机器人国内外发展现状 4

    1.5.2  工业机器人国内外对比 6

    1.6  电气控制系统的组成及功能 7

    1.6.1  主要功能 7

    1.6.2  系统组成 7

    1.7  本文研究内容 8

    2  复合热源自动螺柱焊试验设备 9

    2.1  机器人系统 9

    2.2  螺柱焊机 9

    2.3  自动螺柱焊枪 10

    2.4  气缸 10

    2.5  感应焊机 11

    2.6  自动送料装置 11

    2.7  本章小结 12

    3  复合热源自动螺柱焊机器人工作站设备的改进与设计

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