

    毕业论文关键词:感应摩擦复合热源螺柱焊  摩擦螺柱焊工艺模拟  PLC控制


    Title   Study on the mechanism and control system of  hybrid sources friction stud welding        


    In view of the present hybrid sources friction stud welding technology, design welding technology and process, launch simulation test of friction stud welding process, and research on hybrid sources friction stud welding experiment device and control system. This topic uses induction heat and friction heat source on the basis of composite, depends on hybrid sources friction stud welding technical requirement, control mode and process are obtained, combined with simulation test of friction stud welding process, put forward the general design scheme of equipment, and the design of the hydraulic system and electric control system. The basic principle of the hydraulic system are correct, it can provide friction pressure and upset pressure required in friction stud welding process, and satisfy the welding platform action requirements; electrical control system uses PLC as the control core, by which the hydraulic pump, the servo motor, the induction power supply are opened and closed, the system is initialized, and the motion process of the hydraulic system is under control, the control procedures are simple and reliable.

    Keywords: induction friction composite heat source stud welding, simulation of friction stud welding process, PLC control

    目    录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  螺柱焊技术概述 1

    1.2.1螺柱焊概述 1

    1.2.2螺柱焊技术的发展 2

    1.3复合热源摩擦焊技术概述 3

    1.3.1复合热源摩擦焊技术分类 3

    1.3.2复合热源焊接技术的发展趋势 4

    1.4课题研究内容 5

    2  复合热源摩擦螺柱焊系统方案研究 6

    2.1感应加热技术分析 6

    2.1.1感应加热原理 6

    2.1.2感应加热的特点 7

    2.2感应热源与摩擦热源复合的可行性分析 7

    2.3复合热源摩擦螺柱焊工艺分析及工序设计 9

    2.3.1复合热源摩擦螺柱焊工艺分析 9

    2.3.2复合热源摩擦螺柱焊系统工序设计 10

    3  摩擦螺柱焊工艺模拟试验

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