

    毕业论文关键词  高强铝合金  多层结构  钎焊  数值模拟  温度场


    Title  Multilayer structure high-strength aluminum alloy brazing process numerical simulation research as a whole                                                


    Based on multi-layer high-strength aluminum alloy structure overall brazing principle research, high strength aluminum alloy was established based on scaled fem software adina.the whole temperature field finite element analysis model of the brazing process. This test for high strength aluminum alloy brazing multilayer structure model for numerical simulation of temperature field. Multilayer structure in high strength aluminum alloy entire braze welding numerical simulation process, the transient temperature field distribution of high strength aluminum alloy is obtained, the simulation results can accurately reflect the multi-layer high-strength aluminum alloy structure model of the temperature distribution and change law in the process of soldering. Test, multi-layer structure model of high strength aluminum alloy around high temperature solder melting, early and middle low temperature solder hasn't melted yet, multi-layer structure model of high strength aluminum alloy weld zone and heat-affected zone temperature difference is not big, experiment data show that both the temperature maximum during the heating phase, but the heat preservation stage temperature difference is minimal. Solder thickness is different, the impact on the temperature field is not obvious.

    Keywords  high strength aluminum alloy  multilayered structure  brazing  the numerical simulation  the temperature field

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  高强铝合金研究现状 1

    1.2  高强铝合金焊接方法研究现状 1

    1.2.1  高强铝合金的焊接方法 1

    1.2.2  高强铝合金的焊接特点 2

    1.3  铝合金的真空钎焊 2

    1.3.1  真空铝钎焊原理 3

    1.3.2  真空铝钎焊设备 3

    1.3.3  铝合金钎焊方法 3

    1.3.4  Al的钎焊与其他金属的钎焊相比较为困难的主要原因 3

    1.3.5  钎焊接头中常见的钎焊缺陷 4

    1.4  本课题研究目的及内容 4

    1.4.1  研究目的 4

    1.4.2  研究内容

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