


    毕业论文关键词  交换偏置  微磁学  反铁磁稀释  模拟


    Title  The micromagnetic simulation of the antiferromagnetic dilution effect in the system of interlayer antiferromagnetic exchange bias                     


    The phenomenon that by diluting the antiferromagnetic can enhance the HE of thin films makes it possible to adjust magnitude of HE, but there still remains some controversies about its internal mechanism. In this paper, we use micromagnetic theory to study the influence of antiferromagnetic dilution effect on the exchange bias effect by the use of OOMMF and LLG simulation software.

    The simulation results show that when adding non-magnetic particles, the uncompensated magnetic moment on the antiferromagnetic surface obtains a large increases, so that the exchange bias field HE increases; But when the dilution of the non-magnetic particles to a proportion, if it continues to increase non-magnetic particles, the exchange bias field HE decreases, the reason is that the high dilution leads to the decrease of uncompensated magnetic moment on the antiferromagnetic surface.

    Keywords  Exchange bias  Micromagnetic  Antiferromagnetic dilution  Simulation

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  磁学的发展历程 1

    1.2  铁磁性、反铁磁性 2

    1.3  反铁磁稀释效应 4

    2  交换偏置 4

    2.1  交换偏置概念 4

    2.2  理论机制发展及其模型 6

    2.3  交换偏置的基本特性 6

    2.4  反铁磁稀释效应与交换偏置的关系 7

    3  微磁学 8

    3.1  微磁学简述 8

    3.2  微磁学基本能量 9

    3.3  能量最小化的基本处理方法与数值微磁学 14

    4  微磁学软件 16

    4.1  OOMMF 16

    4.2  LLG Micromagnetics Simulator 17

    5  模拟 18

    5.1  OOMMF模拟 19

    5.2  LLG模拟 22

    6  实验分析 24

    6.1  数据分析 24

    6.2  实验的不足与分析 26

    结论 28


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