

    本论文采用混合溶剂热法合成技术制备,以乙二醇与乙醇为混合溶剂,并以十二烷基苯璜酸钠为辅助表面活性剂。通过调整乙二醇与乙醇体积比制备高质量Bi2MoO6纳米片。将样品经XRD、TEM和紫外-可见光吸收光谱等技术进行表征。通过在可见光照射下(λ> 400 nm)罗丹明B的降解实验来评价所合成纳米Bi2MoO6的可见光响应光催化性能。

    毕业论文关键字  Bi2MoO6   可见光  光催化  混合溶剂热法 


    Title  The preparation of Bi2MoO6 nano-sheet by the way of mixed  solvethermal and its visible photocatalytic                                                   

    Abstract Bi2MoO6 is a potential photo-catalytic material under visible light. Its conduction band is made up of Mo’ 4d orbit and its valence band is made up of Bi’6s and O’2p orbit. With the hybridization of Bi’6s and O’2p orbits, the valence band of the catalyst increases and the band gap decreases, which leads to a narrow band-gap and makes Bi2MoO6 possible to be a visible-light-induced photo-catalyst.

    In this paper ,High-quality Bi2MoO6 nano-sheets have been synthesized via a solvothermal method, in which the solvent is consist of ethylene glycol and ethanol and SDBS has been used as surfactant. The effects of the volume ratio of ethylene glycol and ethanol have been investegated in details. The prepared samples are characterized by XRD, TEM and UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy techniques and their photo-catalytic properties under visible light are evaluated by the degradation of organic dyes.

    Keywords   Bi2MoO6  Visible light  Photo-catalytic Solvothermal method

    目  录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1 纳米材料概述 1

    1.2 纳米光催化材料简介 2

    1.3 纳米光催化材料的应用 2

    2  Bi2MoO6材料 4

    2.1  Bi2MoO6材料概述 4

    2.2  Bi2MoO6材料制备方法 6

    2.3  Bi2MoO6纳米颗粒表征方法[24-27] 7

    2.4  Bi2MoO6纳米颗粒光催化 9

    3  实验部分-混合溶剂热法制备Bi2MoO6纳米片 11

    3.1  实验试剂和仪器 11

    3.2  制备方法 12

    3.3  制备步骤 12

    3.4  样品表征 13

    3.4  表征结果分析 13

    结论分析 23

    致  谢 24

    参 考 文 献 25

    1  绪论

    1.1 纳米材料概述


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