


    Growth and mechanical properties of Ni based superalloy single crystal

    Abstract:Nickel base single crystal superalloy has excellent high temperature performance and mechanical performance, due to its high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, high strength, good plasticity characteristics. Therefore, it is widely used for aerospace equipment engine turbine blades and vanes, this paper aims to of DD6 single crystal nickel base high temperature alloy crystal growth process, through the DSC test to determine thermal aging treatment scheme, hardness testing and analysis of the law the three aspects of analyzing and comparing samples after aging. Studies have shown that the nickel base superalloy by crucible descent method growth single crystal, removal of grain boundary, so as to improve the mechanical properties of materials. Experimental results show that the higher the temperature, the longer the aging time, the greater the γ' coarsening extent, the smaller the hardness of the single crystal material while the material between the cross-sectional dendrite and dendrite hardness do the test, the results show that, due section between dendrites γ' phase segregation forming elements, resulting in hardness between the dendrite dendrite higher hardness.

    Keywords: Ni based single crystal high temperature; DD6; crystal growth; heat treatment; hardness.


    1 文献综述 3

    1.1高温合金概述 3

    1.2高温合金的发展 4

    1.3镍基单晶高温合金 4

    1.3.1成分特征 6

    1.3.2组织特征 6

    1.3.3性能特征 7

    1.4镍基单晶高温合金的用途 7

    1.5镍基高温合金单晶生长与性能 8

    1.6选题的意义和目的 9

    2 实验 10

    2.1 晶体生长 10

    2.1.1 坩埚下降法(布里奇曼-斯托克巴杰技术) 10

    2.1.2 试样制备过程 11

    2.2 金相组织观察 11

    2.3 DSC测试以及短期时效实验 12

    2.4 试样硬度测试 14

    3 实验结果与讨论 15

    3.1 微观形貌 15

    3.1.1 横纵截面微观形貌 15

    3.2 热处理工艺制定 17

    3.3 短期时效实验 20

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