




    In recent years, this composite material than the original components have a better performance, the advantages of the original material can play out, and these advantages concentrated in one material, in more and more areas have more Applications. Composite materials have many advantages such as light weight, fatigue resistance, chemical corrosion, etc., these benefits have gone beyond metal alloys and in some places you can completely replace the metal alloy has been used in aircraft wings and fuselage, high-end bicycles, high-end sports car, the UAV rotor, etc., in the past few years with the development of fast. In terms of aviation materials, now is the best resin-based composites in aircraft applications increasing proportion. As an important component of one wing aircraft, the use of composite wing aircraft have improved flight performance and maneuverability. Composite wing aircraft can reduce weight, increase flight efficiency and improve the safety of aircraft performance.

    The object of study is a composite material wing model before making wing model, I first comparative analysis of several structures, beam structure ultimately selected. Then the internal skeleton and skin of the wing structure to understand, then the structure optimization. The first step in the establishment of 3D finite element model of the wing model. The second step, using the finite element software analyzing the model, the model of the wing by the internal space of the main load area to understand, and then later on topology analysis, so we can get the beams in the interior of the structure of the location information. The third step, the composite material can be combined with the design of, and finite element software wing skin structure optimization to give final optimization wing model. Finally foam cut and polished, beams production, filament winding to get the final model. After the wing three-point bending test. Finite element software applications for the design and optimization of composite wing played a key role in the development of composite materials are of great significance.

    Key words:Composite wing model; structural optimization; finite element analysis; three-point bending.

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