

    本实验采用三种溶解方法:NMMO溶剂,NaOH/尿素,NaOH/尿素/硫脲并控制不同的浓度配比来探究其溶解的速率和溶解度。对溶解后得到的再生膜通过SEM ,XRD和傅氏转换红外线光谱分析仪等来进行显微观察和结构分析。67786


    毕业论文关键词  细菌纤维素 活化 溶解 


    Abstract  The effect of dissolve solvent and the corresponding dissolution process parameters on the dissolution rate and solubility of bacterial cellulose( BC) was investigated and at last the optimum concentration was determined in this paper.

        In this work, three dissolution methods including N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide solvent(NMMO), NaOH / urea, NaOH / urea / thiourea were utilized and the effect of different content ratio on the dissolution velocity and dissolution content was studied. The resulting regeneration BC membrane was studied by Field emission scanning electron microscopy(FESEM),X-ray diffraction(XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).

         It was founded that the dissolution velocity is the fastest as well as the dissolution content is also high on the condition that the mass ratio of NaOH / urea / thiourea is 4/3/2, but it requires repeatedly frozen. But when N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide was utilized, dissolution process is relatively simple. It can be seen from FESEM images that bacterial cellulose has nano-network structure and was completely dissolved in the solvent. By using XRD and FTIR, it can also be found that after the dissolution followed by regeneration process, the crystal type of BC transforms from celluloseⅠto celluloseⅡ.

    Keywords   Bacterial cellulose  Activation  Dissolve  

    目  次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1细菌纤维素的合成及其特性 1

    1.2  细菌纤维素的应用 2

    1.3 纤维素溶解的研究进展 4

    1.3.1  纤维素的溶解机理 4

    1.3.2  纤维素的溶解方法 5

    1.4  本论文的主要研究内容 10

    2  细菌纤维素溶解实验 10

    2.1  实验材料与实验设备 10

    2.1.1  实验材料与药品 10

    2.1.2  实验设备 11

    2.2  实验内容 11

    2.2.1  粒状细菌纤维素原材料的预处理 11

    2.2.2  膜状细菌纤维素的处理 13

    2.2.3  细菌纤维素的活化 13

    2.2.4  配制N-甲基吗啉-N-氧化物(NMMO)溶液和碱性溶剂 13

    2.2.5  细菌纤维素的溶解 13  碱性溶剂溶解细菌纤维素

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