    Experimental study on fusion of Al-Ca-Fe alloy
    Abstract: At present, multiple CA composite alloy is more than two yuan has been widely used in many steel deoxidation.And improve the quality of steel, improve the mechanical properties.Theory and practice have proved that the application of multicomponent composite alloys has played an important role in reducing the existing form of steel and improving the quality of steel.The research of Al-Ca-Fe alloy is a new kind of compound agent.Composite deoxidizing agent can give full play to the strong deoxidizing agent for deoxidization, and by changing the composition of the deoxidation products create floating conditions more favourable to inclusion precipitation, so as to improve the flow of molten steel and improving steel purity.In this paper, the scheme is based on the composition ratio of different degrees of Al-Ca-Fe alloy.Under certain temperature and pressure were added reaction furnace in fusion experiments, then compares income deoxidizer samples, and performance analysis and metallographic analysis, so as to further study Al-Ca-Fe alloy of fusion situation and the features of organizational structure.The results show that the microstructure of Al-Ca-Fe alloy is complex, and the impurities on the alloy surface are more.
    KeyWords:Composite alloy;Novel compound agent;inclusion;Purity ;Fusion experiment
    目 录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 铝铁合金    1
    1.1.1 铝铁合金的研究进展    1
    1.1.2 Fe含量对Al-Fe合金组织和硬度的影响    2
    1.2 炼钢用脱氧剂    2
    1.3 新型复合脱氧剂    4
    1.3.1新型钙系复合脱氧剂的情况    4
    1.3.2 新型铁钙脱氧剂性能研究    5
    1.3.3 新型耐硫型脱氧剂    5
    1.4 炼钢中常用的脱氧方法    6
    1.4.1 沉淀脱氧法    6
    1.4.2 炉渣脱氧法    6
    1.4.3 真空脱氧法    6
    1.4.4 综合脱氧法    7
    1.5 非金属夹杂物    7
    1.5.1 钢中非金属夹杂物的研究进展    7
    1.5.2 钢中非金属夹杂物的金相    8
    1.5.3钢中非金属夹杂物的危害    8
    1.6 本文的研究背景和方案    8
    1.6.1 研究背景    8
    1.6.2 研究方案    9
    2 实验部分    9
    2.1 实验原料    9
    2.2 实验设备    10
    2.3 实验设计    11
    2.3.1 实验原理    11
    2.3.2 实验原料配比    11
    2.3.3 实验步骤    12
    3 结果与分析    12
    3.1 Al-Ca-Fe合金熔合情况    13
    3.2 Al-Ca-Fe合金熔合分析    17
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