    Phase Transition And Dimensional Change Of GCr15 After Heat Treatment
    Abstract: Bearing steel as an important industrial part, its development and research has continued, in particular grades of GCr15 bearing steel is widely used worldwide. GCr15 bearing steel has the unique advantage of price after heat treatment. It is extremely important for who is devoted in material science and engineering to study the dimensional change and phase transition during the heat treatment process. Only the change of structure can we derive its performance changes. This article from the perspective of dimensional changes, elaborated during the heat treatment of steel phase transformation. Use XRD to analysis four GCr15 specimens of Tian An Bearing Factory. TO make a thermal expansion test with no residual austenite specimens.  When it cooled down, making a thermal expansion test again to obtain the curve of thermal expansion coefficient with temperature. As a control, it confirms that it is possible to use the method of second weighing to test volume change of tempered martensite. A new method to study GCr15 phase structure changes with secondary weighing method is found. In addition, the second weighing method measured experimental data can be used as a basis for determining GCr15 organization.
    Key Words: XRD;GCr15;thermal expansion;the second weighing method;phase transition

    1.    绪论    1
    1.1    轴承钢的概述    1
    1.1.1    国外轴承钢的发展    1
    1.1.2    国内轴承钢的发展    1
    1.2    滚动轴承的质量、性能要求及失效形式    2
    1.2.1    轴承钢的质量要求    2
    1.2.2    滚动轴承的主要失效形式    4
    1.3    GCr15轴承钢的介绍    5
    1.4    GCr15轴承钢的热处理    5
    1.4.1    球化退火    5
    1.4.2    淬火、回火    6
    1.5    钢热处理中的相变    7
    1.5.1    铁素体    7
    1.5.2    奥氏体    8
    1.5.3    马氏体    8
    1.5.4    回火马氏体    8
    1.6    研究相变的方法    9
    1.6.1    金相分析法    9
    1.6.2    磁性法    10
    1.6.3    差热分析    10
    1.6.4    线膨胀分析    10
    1.6.5    X射线衍射仪    10
    1.7    钢的热处理中的尺寸变化    11
    1.8    本文的研究目的和内容    11
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