    关键词  不锈钢 真空  电子束  选区烧结
    Title   The study on selective sintering of stainless steel vacuum electron beam  
    According to the rapid prototyping technology of vacuum electron beam selective sintering, studying the process of stainless steel metal powder electron beam sintering,and use the rapid deflection of electron beam as the heat source in vacuum condition of stainless steel powder for sintering, make stainless steel powder and the matrix, and multiple layers of a powder metallurgical bond .The microstructure, composition and mechanical properties of the joints under the circular scanning mode and the different beam parameters were analyzed, and the optimized parameters of the sintering process were proposed.. The result of multiple sets of parameters of electron beam test , high pressure are set 60 kV and filament current is 400mA, focusing coil current is 726mA. Thus obtained powder in the preheating of the optimal parameters is 18ma. 5mm/s.Also through the observation and analysis of the sintering process, and combined with metallographic experiment in the process of metallographic observation, research and explore blowing powder and pilling problem of influencing factors. The subject use 304 stainless steel substrate and 314 Fe based alloy powder, the actual process completed is square structure program design and selective sintering.
    Keywords   stainless steel   vacuum     electron beam    selective sintering
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1. 增材制造技术的概念    1
    1.2 激光增材制造与电子束增材制造    1
    1.3 目前的3D打印技术    3
    1.4 电子束选区烧结技术的发展趋势    5
    1.5电子束选区烧结研究    6
    2 实验设备及材料    8
    2.1实验设备    8
    2.1.1烧结设备    8
    2.1.2 试验测试与分析设备    9
    2.2实验材料    11
    2.3试验方法    12
    3 前期工艺试验    13
    3.1 电子束焊机基本参数调节    13
    3.2铺粉厚度的选择试验    14
    3.3粉末预热试验    15
    3.4 电子束束流和烧结速度的参数选择试验    15
    3.5本章小结    17
    4  314型不锈钢粉末粉末选区烧结    17
    4.1多层平面的选区烧结    18
    4.1.1多层平面的选区烧结程序    18
    4.1.2平铺层烧结过程    18
    4.1.3平铺层烧结成型情况    19
    4.2正方形的选区烧结    20
    4.2.1正方形选区烧结程序    20
    4.2.2 正方形烧结过程    20
    4.2.3正方形烧结成型情况    21
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