    关键词  TiNi形状记忆合金 304不锈钢 电子束钎焊 工艺 性能
    Title   The Welding Properties and Process of Shape Memory Alloy
    This paper focus on the welding of TiNi shape memory alloy with 304 stainless steel. Taking BNi82CrSiB as solder and using electron beam as heat source to weld these two material.
    The welding jiont consists of two kind of base metel、weld line、heat affect zone and two fusion zone. The experiment shows, with the increase of current and the time of welding, the grain in heat affect zone will be bigger, and the micro-hardness will be lower, strength will be worse and be more fragile. With the increase of input of heat, the memory effect in heat affect zone will change a lot. The weld current also has significant affect to the shape memory affect. When you set weld parameter at 50kv/1.6mA/15s, the joint is good. The tensile strength of the joint upto 336MPa. If you set the parameter at 50kv/1.2mA/15s and 50kv/1.6mA/15s, the higher current will cause grain become bigger, and make the hardness of joint lower and be more fragile, the shape memory affect will be worse.
     Keywords TiNi shape memory alloy  304 stainless steel  electron beam brazing process  properties
     目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  形状记忆合金的特性与种类    1
    1.2 国内外研究与应用现状    2
    1.2.1  航空航天中的应用    2
    1.2.2 机械工程中的应用    2
    1.2.3 生物医学中的应用    3
    1.2.4 日常生活中的应用    3
    1.2.5 其他应用    3
    1.3  国内形状记忆合金连接的主要问题    3
    1.3.1  熔焊    4
    1.3.2  钎焊    4
    1.3.3  电子束焊    4
    1.3.4 扩散焊    5
    1.4  课题的研究意义和研究内容    5
    1.4.1  论文研究意义    5
    1.4.2  主要研究内容    5
    2  实验材料、设备和方法    7
    2.1  实验材料    7
    2.2  钎料    7
    2.3  实验设备    8
    2.4  实验方法    9
    2.4.1  焊接工艺    9
    2.4.2  母材的焊前处理    10
    2.4.3  焊接    10
    2.4.4  接头微观组织观察    11
    2.4.5  力学性能的测定    11  接头显微硬度测试    11  接头力学性能测试    11  TiNi合金形状记忆性能测定    12
    3  TiNi形状记忆合金和304不锈钢电子束钎焊工艺实验    13
    3.1  焊接工艺的设计    13
    3.2  接头宏观形貌    13
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