    关键词:成分 磁熵变 结构相变
    Title  Magnetic structure trasition of Ni2In-type
            hexagonal MnNiSi-based alloy             
    Ni2In-type hexagonal alloy has many good properties, such as shape memory effect, magnetocaloric effect, and has a wide range of applications.
    In this article, the alloy ingots were prepared by using a vacuum arc furnace. And they were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM) and XRD. The changes of magnetic properties and lattice trasformation were characterized. The data obtained by experiment were analyzed.
    Conclusion:the DSC curves of (MnNiSi)1-x(CoNiGe)x alloys show that the temperature of martensitic transformation decreased with the increase of the amount of CoNiGe alloy. The research on the M-T curves of the alloys shows that the magnetic properties were changed around the structural  transition temperature. Research on XRD curves of the alloys at room temperature show that with the x value from 0.36 gradually increased to 0.40, the crystal structure changed from orthorhombic phase to hexagonal phase. It is also found that by chemically alloying MnNiSi with CoNiGe, the structural transition temperature was remarkably decreased by nearly 1000K.
    Keywords:component,the change of magnetic entropy,structural trasition
     目 次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 形状记忆合金    1
    1.1.1 形状记忆合金简介    1
    1.1.2 形状记忆合金分类    2
    1.1.3 形状记忆效应原理    2
    1.1.4 形状记忆合金应用    3
    1.2 NiMnX合金磁卡效应    4
    1.2.1 磁卡效应简介    4
    1.2.2 磁制冷研究背景和趋势    4
    1.2.3 磁制冷原理    6
    1.2.4 NiMnX合金磁卡效应    6
    1.2.5 本课题研究内容    7
    2 实验    8
    2.1 实验方案    8
    2.2 实验仪器    9
    2.3 实验过程    11
    2.3.1 样品的制备    11
    2.3.2 实验样品马氏体相变温度的测定    12
    2.3.3 实验合金样品相结构的分析    12
    2.3.4 实验合金样品磁学性能的分析    13
    3 实验数据及分析    14
    3.1 马氏体相变温度的影响因素    14
    3.2 样品的M-T曲线分析    16
    3.3 样品的XRD曲线分析    17
    结  论    19
    致  谢    20
    参考文献    21
    1 绪论
    1.1 形状记忆合金
    1.1.1 形状记忆合金简介
        形状记忆合金成为人们广泛认识的新型功能材料,同时成为一个新的学科分支,可以认为是始于1963年。当时,美国的海军武器实验室(Naval Ordinance Laboratory)的W.J.Buehle博士带领的研究小组在无意间发现,在不同的温度情况下,TiNi合金在受到敲击时会发出不同的声音。由此可以看出这种合金在温度发生变化时,声阻尼性能是不同的。W.J.Buehle博士一行通过更深入的研究发现,接近等比例的TiNi合金有着相当优秀的形状记忆效应(Shape Memory Effect),他们接下来研究了这种合金的X射线衍射图谱,并将进一步的实验研究结果报道出来[1]。
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