    摘要智能结构是一个新兴的多学科交叉的前缘领域,目前广泛应用于航空航天、汽车行业、土木工程以及机器人等领域。目前用于加工智能金属板材(smart sheet metal)表面微腔的方法多为微细铣削加工和电火花微细加工。本文通过微冲击挤压成形,以 1100铝合金为原料,采用自主设计的模具成功制备出带 16 个长20mm、深0.5mm 微腔的智能金属板坯。通过研究得出以下主要结论:26732
    (1)利用1100 铝合金,通过微冲击挤压可以成功加工出合格的金属板。
    毕业论文关键词: 智能金属板  1100 铝合金 微冲压成形 挤压力 粗糙度 硬度
    Title  Research on the micro-extrusion process of the smart sheet metal
    The smart structure is a multidisciplinary emerging field .And it is widely used
    in aerospace, automotive industry, civil engineering and robotics. Currently
    methods for processing surface microcavities of the smart sheet metal mostly are
    micromilling and EDM micromachining. With self-designed molds,the smart sheet
    metal with 16 microcavities of 20 mm long and 0.5mm deep had been successfully
    manufactured with the material of 1100 aluminum alloy by micro-extrusion.
    (1) The qualified smart sheet metal can be successfully manufactured with the
    material of 1100 aluminum alloy by micro-extrusion.
    (2) During the micro-extrusion process,the lubrication condition is the most
    important factor to the roughness of smart sheet metal.
    (3) The hardness of the smart sheet metal is most significantly affected by the
    rolling reduction. The larger the rolling reduction is , the harder the  smart
    sheet metal is.
    (4)The precision of  the microcavity  is most significantly  affected  by the dwell
    time. The longer the dwell time is, the better the verticality is.  
    Keywords:  smart sheet metal  1100 aluminum  microcavity  microstamping   extrusion pressure roughness hardness
    目   次
    1  引言  ..  1
    1.1 智能结构简介    1
    1.2 微成形技术简介  .  1
    1.3 本课题研究内容及意义  .  4
    2  实验方案和研究方法    5
    2.1 实验材料  .  5
    2.2 实验流程  .  5
    2.3 实验设备  .  6
    2.4 智能金属板坯的成形    6
    2.5 组织形貌观察与分析    8
    2.6 角度的测定  ..  9
    2.7 硬度试验  .  9
    2.8 粗糙度测试  .  10
    3  实验结果与分析    11
    3.1 微观组织分析  ..  11
    3.2 金属板凹槽角度分析  ..  11
    3.3 金属板挤压过程中的挤压力分析  .  13
    3.3 硬度测试结果分析  .  15
    3.4 智能金属板成形质量的正交分析  .  17
    3.5 本章小结    21
    结  论  ..  23
    致  谢  ..  24
    参 考 文 献    25 1  引言   
    1.1  智能结构简介
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