    毕业论文关键字:AZ31B  搅拌摩擦焊   数值模拟  温度场  流场
    Abstract:In friction stir welding process, temperature and flow field directly affects the grain size and morphology, and the temperature field and affected by the welding speed and mixing head speed, which studies friction stir welding process temperature and stirring speed of flow impact of field with extraordinary significance. Meanwhile Magnesium alloy friction stir welding thermal and flow field on the friction stir welding process of guiding significance.
    This paper presents an analysis of the use of numerical simulation of AZ31B magnesium alloy friction stir welding method. The focus of the project is the temperature and flow field AZ31B magnesium alloy plate. Tool speed is determined experimentally determined parameters within the range of influence of friction stir welding temperature field and flow field plate of magnesium. In this paper, the thermal and flow field simulation process using Fluent software, using Gambit software for three-dimensional modeling and finite element model of the formation of iterative model using RNG.k-e establish FSW thermal and flow field of finite element model.
    By temperature and flow field numerical simulation of AZ31B magnesium alloy plate friction stir process, the initial impact was welding process of welding parameters on the temperature and flow velocity in the direction of the course of each location. With the acceleration of the stirring speed of the mixing head elevated temperature near the metal flow rate has accelerated. Weld temperature during welding on both sides of the distribution is not symmetric.
    Keywords: AZ31B    Friction stir welding    Temperature field  Numerical Simulation    Flow field
    目录    4
    1. 绪论    6
    1.1镁及镁合金焊接性分析    6
    1.1.1镁及镁合金    6
    1.1.2镁及镁合金的特点    6
    1.1.3镁合金的焊接特点    6
    1.1.4AZ31镁合金特点    7
    1.2搅拌摩擦焊方法及其应用    7
    1.2.1 搅拌摩擦焊原理    7
    1.2.2 搅拌摩擦焊的优缺点    8
    1.2.3搅拌摩擦焊的发展概况    9
    1.2.4搅拌摩擦焊的研究概况    9
    1.3数值模拟软件的选择    10
    1.3.1GAMBIT    10
    1.3.2 FLUENT软件    10
    1.4 本课题研究内容    10
    2. AZ31镁合金搅拌摩擦焊有限元模型建立    11
    2.1AZ31镁合金搅拌摩擦焊三文模型建立    11
    2.1.1搅拌头三文模型的建立    11
    2.1.2镁合金板模型    12
    2.1.3 网格划分    13
    2.1.4边界条件的设定    13
    2.2主控方程    14
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