    毕业论文关键词:    电渣重熔;工艺参数;优化匹配;
    Baosteel electroslag remelting GCr15 process optimization research
    Abstract:     The theoretical analysis of slash electroslag furnace power consumption is of great significance to the development of electroslag remelting,most of the power consumption of electroslag remelting fluctuations is from 1800 ~ 20000 / ton. In this paper, by using system analysis method of system engineering,to study the electroslag remelting problem of nodes in the system,in terms of its essence,electroslag remelting of power saving is a remelting process parameters optimization matching problem. As long as the parameters properly selected and reasonable matching,power consumption can be dropped below 1000 degrees/ton,and  even break through 800 degrees/ton level.
    Keywords:    electroslag remelting; technological parameter;optimal matching;
    1    前言    1
    1.1    电渣重熔    1
    1.2    电渣冶金用渣系    2
    1.3    电渣冶金工艺程序    3
    1.4    补缩、封顶工艺对电渣重熔生产质量的影响    3
    1.5    工艺参数对电渣重熔熔锭质量的影响    3
    1.6    轴承钢电渣重熔过程中氧的控制    6
    1.7    GCR15轴承钢中非金属夹杂物转变研究    7
    2    研究课题的目的及意义    9
    3    宝钢特钢公司轴承钢电渣工艺和设备    10
    3.1    实验原理    10
    3.2    实验设备    10
    3.3    实验所需的参数    11
    4    电渣重熔热平衡计算    13
    4.1    有效热消耗POK    13
    4.2    电机热损失PE:    13
    4.3    渣池表面辐射热损失POM :    13
    4.4    渣池径向热损失PS :    13
    4.5    通过熔池的热消耗PR :    13
    4.6    四项热损失小计ΣP:    14
    4.7    渣池析出的渣阻热 PSR :    14
    4.8    重熔功率PESR:    14
    4.9    炉口电压(USR)    14
    4.10    炉子系统功率损失ΔPZ:    15
    4.11    电渣重熔热效率ΗESR:    15
    4.12    单位电耗QESR:    15
    5    实验结果及分析    16
    5.1    有关参数合理熔速的选定:    16
    5.2    DE大小的影响    16
    5.3    HS变化的影响    19
    5.4    GESR的影响    21
    5.5    电渣重熔工艺参数优化选定    22
    6 结论    30
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