    摘要:随着经济的快速发展,装饰性材料市场普遍多元化,从而推动了装饰性材料的全面发展。市场对装饰材料的需求持续增。耗能问题也随之出现,装饰材料生产对资源的消耗性很高,对生态环境和地球资源都会有很大的影响。当前,对装饰材料的功能要求越来越高,不仅要求具有精美的装饰性,良好的使用性,而且要求具有环保、安全、施工方便、易文护等功能。环保型产品是对其发展趋势最基本的要求,健康性能是装饰材料使用价值的重要因素。因此发展复合装饰材料和研究无毒无害的复合材料表面涂覆层已成为定势。本课题以玻璃纤文增强环氧树脂作为复合材料板, 采用水转印膜和覆盖木纹纸两种涂覆技术对比研究。初步测定漆膜耐水性能,耐溶剂擦拭性,漆膜耐热性能,附着力,接触角等,使得复合材料板材具备木质板的性能和外观。21011
    关键词: 装饰材料;复合材料;水转印膜;木纹纸
    The study of Composite coating pigment
    Abstract: With the rapid economic development, the decorative material is widely persified,
    so as to promote the comprehensive development of decorative materials.The market demands
    for decorative materials continues to grow.With energy problem appearing, decorative materials
    production is high consumption of resouce,the earth resources and the ecological environment
    will have a very big impact.Currently, the function of decorative materials have become
    increasingly demanding, not only requires a beautifully decorated, good use, but requires
    environmentally friendly, safe, convenient, easy maintenance and other
    functions.Environmentally friendly products is a basic requirement for its development trends,
    health is an important factor in the performance of the value of the use of decorative materials.
    Therefore, the development of composite decking materials and research non-toxic composite
    surface coating has become a stereotype.
    The topics to glass fiber reinforced epoxy composite material as a board is using Cubic
    Transfer and coated wood grain paper comparative study of two technical coverage.Determine
    water resistance of the film step, solvent wiping, the film heat resistance, aging resistance, etc.,
    so that the composite panels with wood panels performance and appearance.
    Key words: decorative materials;Composite materials;Cubic Transfer;wood grain paper
    1. 绪论.1
    1.1 复合材料. 1
    1.1.1 复合材料的定义与发展.1
    1.1.2 复合材料的基本分类.1
    1.1.3 聚合物基复合材料.1
    1.1.4 复合材料的成型工艺.2
    1.1.5 复合材料的应用.2
    1.1.6 复合材料装饰板.2
    1.2 表面处理技术. 3
    1.2.1 表面处理技术的概况.3
    1.2.2 表面处理技术的分类.3
    1.3 课题的目的和意义. 4
    1.3.1 课题的目的.4
    1.3.2 课题研究的内容.4
    1.3.3 课题的意义.4
    1.4 国内外研究的现状与发展. 5
    2. 实验部分 6
    2.1 实验原料及设备. 6
    2.1.1 实验原料.6
    2.1.2 实验设备.10
    2.2 涂覆实验手糊板材. 10
    2.2.1 手糊成型的基本理论.10
    2.2.2 手糊成型树脂基复合材料实验步骤.10
    2.2. 手糊成型样板 11
    2.3 表面涂覆实验. 12
    2.3.1 水转印膜实验.12
    2.3.2 表面贴覆木纹纸实验.14
    3 结果与讨论 16
    3.1 表面涂覆试样与分析. 16
    3.1.1 水转印膜实验试样.16
    3.1.2 表面贴覆木纹纸实验试样.16
    3.2 漆膜耐水性结果与分析. 17
    3.2.1 漆膜耐水性测定.17
    3.2.2 漆膜耐水性测定结果与分析.18
    3.3 漆膜耐热性测定结果与分析 19
    3.3.1 漆膜耐热性测定.19
    3.3.2 漆膜耐热性测定结果与分析.19
    3.4 附着力测定结果与分析. 20
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