    (3)C对Mn的一阶相互作用系数即 。
    关键词: 轻量化;TWIP钢;活度;Fe-Mn-C体系
    Fe-Mn-C system of C-Mn activity in interaction coefficient
    The development of modern automobile is in the direction of energy, weight loss, reduce emissions, reduce pollution and improve security. An important means to achieve this goal is lightweight body. TWIP steel used for cars adapted to the development trend of modern automobile.It has become a new focus in automotive steel. Therefore, the research on the relationship between C and Mn activity in TWIP steel is a key. Activity is one of the contents of the melt thermodynamics. Activity data can be obtained indirectly through experimental method of chemical equilibrium method, vapor pressure method and electrochemical method. The activity coefficient refers to the proportion of activity and concentration coefficient. The activity coefficient is convenient for calculation and analysis of thermodynamics. This study mainly through chemical balance method to studying Fe-Mn-C system of C-Mn activity in interaction coefficient.It Provides experimental data for Mn-C equilibrium of TWIP steel and laies the Foundation for future studies of TWIP steel. The experimental results show that:
    (1)Fe-Mn-C system when heat 1873K After 12h , the reaction equilibrium in the system.
    (2)With the increase of the content of C, fMn will decrease.
    (3)The first-order interaction coefficient   is -2.01453.
    KeyWords: lightweight;TWIP steel;activity;Fe-Mn-C system
    1前言    1
    1.1 活度及活度相互作用系数    1
    1.2 活度测定方法    1
    1.2.1 化学平衡法    1
    1.2.2 蒸汽压法    2
    1.2.3 电化学测量法    2
    1.2.4 三元相图法    3
    1.3 合金元素在TWIP钢中的作用研究    3
    1.4 课题研究内容及目标    4
    1.4.1 研究目标    4
    1.4.2 研究内容    4
    2 课题研究背景及意义    5
    2.1 TWIP钢研究背景    5
    2.2 TWIP钢研究意义    8
    3 实验研究方法    10
    3.1 实验原理    10
    3.2 实验原材料    10
    3.3 实验装置    11
    3.4 实验步骤    12
    3.4.1 体系平衡时间的确定    12
    3.4.2 金属液中Mn的活度系数和C对Mn的相互作用系数的确定    13
    4 实验结果与分析讨论    14
    4.1 Fe-Mn-C熔体与CO/CO2混合气体反应的平衡时间    14
    4.2 Mn的活度系数    15
    4.2.1 反应的标准自由能变化    15
    4.2.2 Mn的活度系数    16
    4.3 Fe-Mn-C体系中C对Mn的活度相互作用系数    17
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