
    摘  要摘要随着水产养殖业的不断发展,多参数水质监测设备吸引了人们的广泛关注。良好的水质是水产品正常生存的必要条件,当水质情况异常时可能导致水产品的死亡,造成养殖户的巨大损失。水质监测系统对于预防水产品发病死亡、提高总体产量和降低投入产出比率起着至关重要的作用。当前的水质监测系统大多以有线的形式分部在水域中,这种模式不仅成本高,效率低,其传感器安装方式也极受限制。69240



    毕业论文关键词:ZigBee   LabVIEW  CC2530  水产养殖 

    The design of aquaculture water quality monitoring system based on LabVIEW

    Abstract With the continuous development of aquaculture, multi-parameter water quality monitoring equipment has attracted wide attention. Good water quality is essential for the survival of aquatic normal, when abnormal water quality can cause death of aquatic products, causing huge losses of farmers. Water quality monitoring system for the prevention of morbidity and mortality of aquatic products, improve overall productivity and reduce the input-output ratio plays a vital role. Most of the current water quality monitoring system in the form of wire segments in the waters, this model is not only the high cost and low efficiency, the sensor installation is also very limited.

    The design issues presents a LabVIEW-based aquaculture wireless water quality monitoring system design ideas. CC2530 chip to complete the selection of sensor nodes, sink node design, the gateway node. The appropriate choice of sensor and signal conditioning circuit design, to achieve signal acquisition parameters for each body of water, conditioning and transmission. Selection of ZigBee wireless communication to achieve large bodies of water quality monitoring. Using a PC with LabVIEW data management platform as a PC, a comprehensive analysis of the important parameters in aquaculture, to signal the next crew transferred for storage, analysis, display, exceptional circumstances when an alarm, and providing historical data comparison and remote transmission, facilitate human-computer interaction.

      The paper has 26 figures,1 table,24 references.

    Key  Words: ZigBee   LabVIEW   CC2530   aquaculture


    摘  要 1

    Abstract 2

    1 绪论 5

    1.1 研究目的和意义 5

    1.2 国内外研究现状 5

    1.3 主要研究内容 6

    2 系统设计方案分析论证 7

    2.1 系统总体结构设计方案 7

    2.2 无线通信方式选择方案 8

    2.3 系统的网络拓扑结构方案论证 9

    2.4 传感器选型论证 11

    2.5 驱动报警模块方案论证 14

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