



    Abstract: The reliability and power quality of the industrial enterprises are higher and higher. The power quality level of power supply is further improved, and the reliability of power supply network is also more demanding. Power system is usually used relay protection device implementation of longitudinal differential protection for fast and accurate operation branch transported circuit breaker transmission line fault or accident branch node excision, to prevent the accident further expand.

    Designed in this paper based on PLC automotive reclosing devices design, the design with automotive reclosing devices fault occurring in the line through the relay protection tripping device, delayed operation circuit breaker re closing to restore transmission line power supply, improve the level of transmission line power supply integrated quality. PLC is a better performance of the controller, the design is the use of PLC to realize the automotive reclosing devices, through software programming with the internal logic relations instead of the actual hardware connection lines, radically simplified physical action chain. PLC control mode not only overcome the disadvantages of the traditional relay, but also compatible with the traditional relay design ideas and technology program. And PLC automotive reclosing devices debugging simple, flexible configuration, high reliability, and connection with simple, reliable work, convenient for debugging, adjustment and maintenance, which can realize remote communication. This provides a good development platform for automatic coincidence brake device.

    Key words: Power System , Relay Protection , Automotive Reclosing Devices , PLC 

    目   录

    1 绪论 4

    1.1 自动重合闸概论 4

    1.2 国内外国自动重合闸的发展历史 4

    1.3 本文研究课题的背景、概述及意义 5

    1.4 本文所做的工作 6

    2 自动重合闸介绍 6

    2.1 自动重合闸的定义 6

    2.2 自动重合闸的基本慨念 7

    2.2.1 自动重合闸的作用 7

    2.2.1 自动重合闸的要求 8

    2.2.3 自动重合闸的选择原则 8

    2.2.4 自动重合闸的启动方式

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