
    摘要能源是国计民生赖以维持的根本,能源安全是国民经济持续发展的重要保障。随着国民经济的高速发展,化工产品的消耗量迅猛增长,造成我国对石油的需要日益增强。石油作为国家重要能源,必须积极扩大其战略储备,建设大型原油储备基地。而油品储罐是当前应用最普遍的储油方式,确保油罐区内的安全, 防止和减少各类事故的发生,就显得尤为重要。基于无线传感器网络的油罐区火蔓延预防及反演技术研究,以油罐区的安全防治为背景,对石油化工行业油罐区火蔓延的复杂网络特性、反演诊断和预防展开研究的。65565


    毕业论文关键词:火蔓延 、c#、图形界面


    Title   Fire spread graphical interface system based on C #(4号宋体)                     


    Energy is the people's livelihood on which to maintain the fundamental, energy security is an important guarantee for sustainable development of national economy. With the rapid development of the national economy, the rapid growth in the consumption of chemical products, result in the increasing demand for oil in China. Oil as an important national energy, we must actively expand its strategic reserves, and construct large crude oil reserve bases. The oil tank is currently the most common storage methods to ensure the safety of the tank area and to prevent and reduce the occurrence of accidents that is particularly important. Based on wireless sensor networks tank farm fire spread prevention and inversion studies to tank farm safety prevention as a backdrop, the oil tank farm fire spread chemical industry complex network characteristic, diagnosis and prevention of inversion commence studies.

    This article describes the fire spread based on c # graphical interface system. Based on wireless sensor networks tank farm fire spread prevention and inversion of a part of the research project, the main role is tank node device pre-commissioning, the parameters of each sensor simulation, simulation experiments to reproduce the scene, and later theoretical model simulation authentication.

    Keywords :The fire spread, c #, graphical interface


    一、 引言 1

    1.1 火蔓延项目简介 1

    1.2 图形用户界面设计的原则 2

    1.3 主要工作 3

    二、常用的图形界面软件设计编程语言 3

    2.1 C#与Microsoft Visual Studio 2010简介: 3

    2.2 Matlab 4

    2.3 Visual Basic 4

    2.4 java 5

    2.5 选择C#的原因 7

    三、火蔓延图形界面系统第一版 7

    3.1 火蔓延图形界面系统第一版简介 7

    3.2 火蔓延图形界面系统第一版操作说明 11

    3.3 蔓延调试 19

    四、火蔓延图形界面系统第二版 21

    4.1 相比第一版的改进 21

    4.2 火蔓延图形界面系统第二版使用说明

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