
    摘要控制器局域网总线(CAN)是目前较流行的现场总线之一,是一种有效支持分布式控制或实时控制的串行通信网络。由于其高速、高可靠性及独立的设计,被广泛应用于工业现场控制系统中。本课题是设计基于51单片机的CAN通信系统节点的硬件电路。介绍了采用AT89C52作为微处理器,SJA1000作为通信控制器,82C250作为总线收发器的CAN总线通信系统节点的硬件设计方法,能实现按CAN总线协议通信的功能。说明一种通用型CAN总线的设计和开发, 探讨应用中需注意的一些问题。65002

    毕业论文关键词  CAN总线  控制器  收发器   


    Title   Design of  Communication Circuit of CAN Bus       



    Controller Area Network bus (CAN) is one of the more popular fieldbus . It’s an effective support for distributed control or real-time control of the serial communications network. Because of its high speed, high reliability, and independent design, it is widely used with industrial control systems. This topic designed hardware circuit of the node of the CAN communication system based on 51 single-chip. This paper introduces the design method of hardware of CAN bus communication system node which can be realized by the CAN bus protocol communication function. The system uses AT89C52 as the microprocessor, SJA1000 as the communication controller, 82C250 as bus transceiver . The general method of the design and the development of CAN bus is showed, and some problems in the application are discussed. 

    Keywords    CAN bus     Controller    Transceiver  

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 题目背景 1

    1.2 设计内容 1

    2 设计原理与思路 1

    2.1 CAN总线简介 1

    2.2 CAN报文的帧类型和格式 2

    2.3 CAN的位仲裁技术 10

    2.4 CAN总线的发展趋势 11

    3 CAN通信电路硬件设计 12

    3.1 结构框图 12

    3.2 主要器件说明 12

    3.3逻辑控制电路 19

    3.4 CAN控制电路 20

    3.5 总线收发电路 22

    3.6复位电路 23

    3.7 时钟电路 24

    结  论 25

    致  谢 26

    参 考 文 献 27


    1 绪论

    1.1 题目背景


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