


    MSP430F149是一种16位内含FLASH型芯片的单片机,具有高速运算、开发设备简单、可现场编程等特点,这给数字存储系统的设计带来了极大的便利性。各个模块的电路原理图都有Protel 99SE 来完成。每个模块的软件编程都在IAR开发环境中完成并实现。

    毕业论文关键词: MSP430F149; 数字存储系统; AT24C1024EEPROM; IAR


    Title   DESIGN OF DIGITAL STORAGE SYSTEM BASED ON  AT24C1024EEPROM                                    

    Abstract Digital storage system can complete the data collection, data storage and other functions.It has a wide application prospect,in various industries will occupy an important position, more and more fields to a monolithic integrated circuits to control the use led as a display terminal equipment by some monolithic integrated circuits to control the object is intelligent control.

    The design is to reduce costs, expand the development of the scope and the system running stability, reliability, designed by MSP430F149 and based on AT24C1024EEPROM,using analog digital circuit, microcontroller and integrated knowledge of measurement to complete the system design,I2C device in bytes, strings and pages according to the design requirements. while the design of the relevant multi-channel serial communication systems RS485/RS232 circuit and complete remote control of the data.

    MSP430F149 is a 16-bit flash chips including the type of operation of a monolithic integrated circuits, the development of device easy, but the characteristics and programming for the control system design a great convenience., all modules of a schematic diagram of a circuit are protel  99SE to complete. 

    Keywords:  MSP430F149  Digital storage system  AT24C1024EEPROM  IAR

    1 绪论 1

    1.1  研究的背景和意义 1

    1.2  本论文的目的和主要内容 2

    1.3  本论文的结构安排 3

    2 系统的总体设计 4

    2.1 系统组成 4

    2.2 MSP430F149 5

    2.3 存储器芯片AT24C1024EEPROM 7

    3 硬件设计 8

    3.1 硬件总体设计及Protel 99SE简介 8

    3.2 存储器电路设计 9

    3.3 串行通信硬件电路设计 11

    4 软件设计 13

    4.1 AT24C1024EEPROM存储器软件设计 13

    4.2 串行通信电路软件设计 19

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