




    毕业论文关键词:交通路锥 平行四边形机构 机械设计


    Title  The design of traffic road cones transmission mechanism         and simulation platform


    In recent years, when the road maintenance personnel put the highway traffic cone, they meet some dangerous accidents. To avoid such things and ensure the safety of road maintenance personnel, we need to design an automatic road cones cassette player. So we propose a Road cones transmission scheme in this paper through analyzing variety of the existing de-icing technology. 

    The purpose of this article is to improve the road cones transportation agencies of the original automatic road cones cassette player. This paper first proposed the overall scheme of transmission platform design and the main problems needed to solve, including the placement of road cones way, the design of the drive shaft way, road cones truck mode design. Then it has carried on the cone platform of design and calculation, main shaft, auxiliary shaft, main rocker arm and rocker arm of the design and calculation. Finally it check the relevant institutions fatigue strength stiffness. I find the design meets the requirements.

    The road cones automatic transmission platform has simple structure, high efficiency, simple operation. It has a broad application prospect.

    Keywords  The traffic road cones    Parallelogram mechanism   Mechanical design

    目  次

    1.绪论 1

    1.1本课题的研究目的及意义 1

    1.2国内外研究的历史及现状 2

    1.3本文研究的主要内容 2

    2.总体方案设计 3

    2.1总体方案的比较 3

    2. 2平行四边形机构的简介 5

    2.3交通路锥输送机构平台整体设计 6

    2.4本设计需要解决的问题 7

    3.机械部分的设计计算 8

    3.1置锥平台的设计 8

    3.2主轴的设计 9

    3.3副轴的设计 15

    3.4主摇臂的设计 18

    3.5副摇臂的设计 19


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