


     关键词:多传感器系统  目标状态  信息融合  航迹仿真
    Sor data fusion can make full use of the sensor measured resources, will more sensors in time and space of complementary and redundant information in accordance with some algorithm and comprehensive standards, and enhance the for maneuvering target state estimation accuracy, reliability and against the growth of environment. Based on this, the paper multisensor data fusion technology in the maneuvering target state estimation on the application of the system, and its main work is as follows:

    1, First introduced the data fusion technology the definition, basic principle and method; And then the multisensor data fusion function model and structure model and application were reviewed in this article.

    2, Of asynchronous multisensor data fusion algorithm through sampling description will problem formulation asynchronous algorithm is put forward, finally the algorithm simulation.

    3, According to the position of asynchronous fusion solution to the simulation data processing, verify the feasibility of the proposed algorithm, and concludes that the improvement of asynchronous opinion and how the sensor for summary and outlook.
    Keywords: many sensor system  target state   information fusion   track simulation
    1  绪论    1
    1.1研究背景和意义    1
    1.2航迹融合算法发展概况    2
    1.3本文的主要内容和组织结构    3
    2  多传感器数据融合概述    4
    2.1 数据融合的基本概念    5
    2.2 数据融合的定义    5
    2.3 数据融合系统的基本框架    5
    2.4  多传感器数据融合系统的处理模型    6
    2.5 多传感器数据融合系统的结构模型    8
    2.5.1 检测级融合层次结构    8
    2.5.2 跟踪级层次结构    9
    2.5.3 属性级层次结构    10
    2.6  多传感器数据融合的优点    11
    2.7  本章小结    11
    3  异步多传感器系统数据融合算法研究    12
    3.1 采样描述    12
    3.2 问题公式化    12
    3.3 提出异步算法    13
    3.4 模拟仿真    18
    3.5 本章小结    23
    4  总结与展望    24
    4.1 总结    24
    4.2 展望    24
    致   谢    26
    参考文献    27
    1  绪论

       在现代作战系统中,为了获得最佳的作战效果,必须运用大量的有源和无源传感器,如雷达、电子支援措施、红外、声纳等提供观测数据[1,2] ,进行目标发现、优化综合处理,来获取目标状态估计、目标属性、行为意图、态势评估、威胁分析、火力控制、精确制导、电子对抗、作战模拟、辅助决策等作战信息。因此,多传感器信息异步融合技术作为一门实用学科迅速发展起来,并在军事和工业领域得到广泛应用。
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