    关键词 无线传感器网络 拥塞控制 CODA算法 NS2
    Title    Simulation and analysis of wireless sensor network Congestion control algorithms based on CODA                                                
    As one of the most valuable and promising of the hot research fields in the twenty-first century, wireless sensor network can realize data acquisition, data fusion, and data transmission automatically. It has broad application prospects in the future. However, the technology of the existing wireless sensor is limited; congestion is likely to happen, which will lead to a decline in the link quality for the network channel and a raise in the loss rate. It will also result in the buffer overflow, and the exacerbation of the delay on the network. Therefore, how to control the Internet congestion effectively is a key issue which needs to be studied and solved.
    This paper introduces the concept and application of wireless sensor network, analyzed the reason of congestion in wireless sensor network and its influence on the transmission, and concludes and summarizes the existing congestion control algorithms. It focus on the study of CODA, the existing congestion control algorithm, and implements and simulates it on the platform of NS2. The simulation with and without the use of any congestion control results are compared, CODA algorithm is demonstrated in the congestion control for packet loss decreases in network rate, reduce the end-to-end delay and improve the feasibility network throughput.
    Keywords  wireless sensor networks   congestion control  
              CODA algorithm   NS2
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景及研究目的和意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  本文的工作    3
    2. 无线传感器网络概述    5
    2.1  无线传感器网络基本概念    5
    2.1.1  无线传感器网络体系结构    5
    2.1.2  传感器网络特征    6
    2.2  无线传感器网络应用现状    7
    2.3  无线传感器的关键技术    8
    3  CODA拥塞控制机制    10
    3.1  无线传感器网络拥塞概述    10
    3.1.1  无线传感器网络拥塞的定义    10
    3.1.2  无线传感器网络拥塞的原因    11
    3.1.3  无线传感器网络拥塞的影响    12
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