    摘要:随着现代化生产规模的飞速发展以及社会物质的不断繁荣,平面化仓库对于货物的存放已不能满足当前的需求,而占地面积小和空间利用率佳的自动化立体仓库在生产物流系统中成为重要且不可缺少的环节,对于立体仓库的研究也在不断的深入。本文针对立体仓库的工作流程及控制要求,设计了以西门子S7-200 PLC作为控制器的自动化立体仓库控制系统。采用步进电机作为执行机构,实现了堆垛机点到点的控制,通过自动/手动两种控制方式实现了立体仓库的存/取货过程,并利用触摸屏对整个仓库进行完整的操作。调试结果表明,系统具有可靠性、灵活性和实用性。本研究不仅可以应用于工业现场控制,而且对企业操作人员的培训及科研教学具有一定的借鉴意义。20232
    The design of control system of small warehouse PLC
    Abstract:With the rapid development of modern production scale and the continuous prosperity of social substance, to store goods in the planar storehouses can’t meet current demands any more. While the automated stereo storehouse with small floor space and excellent space utilization have been an important and indispensable link in the production logistics system, so the research of the stereo storehouse is also going deep. According to the work flow and control requirements of the stereo storehouse in this paper, I have designed an automated stereo storehouse control system with using Siemens S7-200 PLC as a controller. The system takes the stepping motor as an actuator to realize the point to point control for the stacker. It can implement inventory / delivery process in the stereo storehouse by automatic / manual control mode. You can use the touch screen to complete the whole operation on the storehouse. Surveys show that the system is reliable, flexible and practical. The study can be not only applied to the control of industrial field, it also has a certain reference significance of training and teaching research for operation personnel in the enterprise.
    KeyWords:stereo storehouse; PLC; touch screen; stacker
    1    绪论    1
    1.1 国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.1.1    国外立体仓库的发展    1
    1.1.2    国内立体仓库的发展    2
    1.1.3    自动化立体仓库的发展趋势    2
    1.2 课题研究的内容    3
    2 方案选择    5
    2.1 电气控制部分    5
    2.2气动回路部分    6
    3硬件部分    8
    3.1 主电路设计    8
    3.1.1步进电动机    8
    3.1.2 伺服电动机    10
    3.2控制电路设计    11
    3.2.1 控制要求    11
    3.2.2 PLC选型    12
    3.2.3 PLC输入/输出点配置及外部接线图    13
    4 软件设计    16
    4.1 控制流程图    16
    4.2 PLC资源配置    17
    4.2.1 PTO子程序导入    18
    4.2.2 PTO子程序作用    21
    4.3程序设计及调试    24
    4.3.1 主程序    24
    4.3.2 复位程序    25
    4.3.3 供料程序    25
    4.3.4 取料/放料程序    26
    4.3.5 出库程序    27
    4.3.6 寻找库位程序    27
    6界面与设计    29
    6.1 画面编辑    29
    6.2 编译模拟    30
    6.3 下载    31
    7结论与展望    31
    致  谢    31
    参考文献    32
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