




    毕业论文关键词: 洛森重排;2,4,6-三氯-1,3,5-三嗪;异羟肟酸;异氰酸酯;不对称脲类化合物

     Cyanuric  chloride-Mediated Lossen Rearrangement

    synthesis of unsymmetrical urea derivatives

    Abstract:Unsymmetrical ureas derivatives have attracted significant interest due to their extensive applications in agriculture, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and biology. The synthesis of urea derivatives traditionally requires reagents based on either phosgene and phosgene surrogates. These approachs are particularly competent for symmetrical urea derivatives. However, phosgene and isocyanates are noxious, unstable, and require special care for handling. This method not only caused the plloution of the environment, and greatly increased the cost of production. Make it in the industrial production is limited. There is wide scope for developing novel methods utilizing mild and efficient methodology. The Lossen rearrangement basically involves the conversion of an O-activated hydroxamic acid into the corresponding isocyanate intermediate. Thus,the quest for reagents which activate hydroxamic acids via the formation of activated O-hydroxamate under mild conditions is ongoing. It has been shown that TCT can promote efficiently carboxylic acid activation, Swernoxidation, Friedel-craft acylation, Beckmanrearrangement, or glycosyl chlorination. Thus, in the light of these results, the discovery of new applications for TCT in organic synthesis is of interest. This thesis mainly studies: 

    1. Synthesis of carbamates and ureas from hydroxamic acid using TCT as a promoter.

    2. Explore the reactivity of different amine and alcohol compounds with TCT mediated the Lossen rearrangement.

    3. Optimization of reaction conditions for the synthesis of unsymmetrical urea via  TCT-promoted Lossen rearrangement.

    Keywords:Lossen rearrangement;Cyanuric chloride; Hydroxamic acids;Isocyanates ;Unsymmetrical ureas 

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

      1.1 不对称脲类化合物的应用概况 1

        1.1.1 不对成脲类化合物在农业中的应用 1

        1.1.2 不对称脲类化合物在生物医药和其他行业中的应用 2

        1.1.3 不对称脲类化合物的合成方法中存在的问题及发展方向

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