


    毕业论文关键词:表现手法; 铅笔; 竹子; 铅笔画; 明暗

    The modern expression of traditional flower bird genre


    My current style of traditional flower birds is based on bamboo. There is a cloud in the old saying: "bamboo in bamboo." It's hollow, courteous, tall and straight bamboo characteristics has become the Chinese regarded wouldst you confound humility, integrity, is the vivid reflection of the virtue, and I with bamboo as the theme of the important factors. The work is mainly used in Chinese painting -- the meaning and spirit of a pencil. Since ancient times, many literati have written poems by bamboo, and they have a long history of bamboo. Bamboo culture also gradually became an important cultural totem of the Chinese nation. In addition, the composition is mainly based on the combination of tradition and modernity. 

    Pencil, it is a kind of for a pencil or solid mineral pigment pigment, without specific paper, give priority to with light and surface, combined with lines to show stereo, almost all the biggest characteristic is that every can represent a three-dimensional surface light and shade, rather than by the overlapping of line to express the object of stereo feeling, so that improve the work of artistic expression and artistic enjoyment. And it was the development of Chinese painting, which was its beginning, and the re-integration of western painting techniques was a leap forward. The "bamboo" on the canvas of the painting is explored, and the aesthetic idea of "boundary" in Chinese traditional art is sought. 

    Keywords: technique of expression;expression technique;expressive technique; pencil; bamboo;pencil drawing;bright-dark;light — dark




    一、 选题来源

    二、 研究目的

    (一) 关于中国铅笔画的艺术

    (二) 关于竹子的历史

    三、 《竹子》系列的创作思路

    (一) 观察与探索

    (二) 分析







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