    摘要: 汾河是黄河第二大之流,是山西省境内最长的河流也是山西人民的母亲河。但是随着经济的不断发展,重工业基地的建设,以及沿河工业废水的排放,导致汾河的水质质量不断下降。由于汾河清水复流工程2008年初刚审议通过,污水治理还处于相对落后阶段,因此如何有效的对水质污染进行治理保护对故园湖公园的水质环境至关重要。山西洪洞县亦是全国最著名的县,洪洞大槐树遗址是中国封建历史晚期影响最大的移民集散地,殷实的文化遗产能有效提升故园湖的文化价值。8875
    关键词: 大槐树文化遗产;河水生态修复;滨水公园设计;
    Shanxi Hongtong Fen River Ecological Restoration of Landscape Engineering----Guyuan Lake Park Planning and Design
        Abstract:Fen river, the second longest tributary of the Yellow River and also the longest river in Shanxi Province, is the mother river of Shanxi people. But with the development of economy, the construction of heavy industry base and the industrial wastewater emissions along the river, causing the reduction of Fen River’s water quality. In early 2008, Fen River water flow engineering just passed, sewage treatment is still in a relatively backward stage, so effectively protection on the water quality pollution is an important question to the Guyuan lake park’s water quality. Shanxi Hongtong county is also one of the most famous county in China, Hongtong big ash ruins is the largest Immigration Center of late effects of of the Chinese feudal history, the rich cultural heritage can effectively improve Guyuan lake’s cultural value.
    This landscape planning and design adopted the method of investigation research and theoretical study and combined the theoretical bases of ecology and landscape planning and design. Combined with the local status environment and the culture heritage in ecological restoration as well as cultural building, to create a park with cultural connotation and balance the natural resting place through the landscape planning and design.
    Keyword: cultural heritage of the big ash; river ecological restoration; waterfront park design;
    1 引言    3
    1.1设计依据    3
    1.2设计原则    3
    1.3设计目的    4
    2 背景资料与理论基础    4
    2.1 背景资料    4
    2.2 理论基础    5
    3 基地现状6
    3.1区位概况    6
    3.2基地调研    7
    4 设计阐述8
    4.1设计理念    8
    4.1设计构思    8
    4.2设计目标    8
    5 设计手法与表现 9
    5.1设计内容    9
    5.1.2分项部分      10
    5.2设计方法   11
    6 结束语 13
    1.1 设计依据
    《公园设计规划》CJJ 48—92
    《城市绿地设计规范》GB 50420-2007
    《城市道路绿化规划与设计规范》CJJ 75-97
    《城市绿地分类标准》CJJ/T85V2002 J185-2002
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