

    毕业论文关键词: 电视媒体;  新媒体;  竞争;  融合发展

    Abstract:In recent years, with broadband network and digital TV, mobile TV as the representative of the new media rise rapidly, to break the barriers of traditional TV long stick, of media convergence is the trend of the times. To "advertising support Taiwan", "content is king", "channel management" is the main mode of TV media industry, business model also because public service unit system control and value innovation ability is low, profit model structure is too single restricted. In this context, traditional single television marketing strategy has been unable to meet the new environment under the needs of the market, combined with the advantages of new media in the links to resources and communication interactive aspects of integrated marketing communication, has become the focus of attention of the industry. Firstly the advantages and disadvantages of old and new media to potential are analyzed, and then discusses the inevitable trend of the fusion, finally, the old and new media fusion future development proposals.

    Key words: TV media; New media; Competition; Fusion development

    1.引言 1

    (一)研究背景及意义 1

    (二)国内外研究现状 1

    (三)研究对象及方法 2

    2.媒体的相关概述 2

    (一)媒体简介 2

    (二)新媒体的概念 3

    (三)新媒体特点 4

    (四)传统电视媒体优势 4

    3.新媒体与传统媒体的竞争 5

    (一)传统媒体的垄断地位被新媒体打破 5

    (二)传播形式的改变 5

    (三)盈利方式 6

    4.媒介融合的趋势 7

    5.媒介融合模式的发展建议 8

    (一)积极主导开展移动多媒体广播业务 8

    (二)立足广电发展新媒体 8

    (三)发挥广播电视的内容资源优势与通信网络合作开展业务 8

    结论 9

    参考文献 10

    致谢 11



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