

    毕业论文关键词: 美学;UI;视觉;交互体验;网站

    "Delicate Beauty Station" Web UI Design 

    Abstract: This topic for the station in the "micro" web UI design. Subject to aesthetics as the theme, and on this basis, design a set of aesthetic standard web UI interface. First of all, through to the most of the website interface on market analysis found that most Chinese class is poorer, the appreciation of the site analysis aspect mainly includes: the overall format design, plate layout, colour collocation and text typesetting, etc, these a few points of give attention to two or morethings is particularly important, so in design when considering the tone of the differences between eastern and western aesthetics makes the style of the whole page is difficult to determine. Secondly, according to the Oriental aesthetics of colour fundamental key to determine the mass-tone attune of the site, the typography has relatively close to the European and American style of western aesthetics, success will decrease in differences between eastern and western aesthetic display of the page. Finally, by modifying the design scheme and design ideas change, and found that in fact the aesthetic concept deeply into the works is not easy, the entire site for each of the UI elements are not independent existence, inescapably, take out each page separately as a whole, is a set of system after merge together. In addition, as the site itself, it should bring a "rhythm", to guide visitors to receive the information and enjoy the process of receiving information, which requires the UI elements cooperate with the tacit understanding of the aesthetic theory, which is also known, the UI is actually a combination of "vision" and "experience".

    Keywords: Aesthetic; UI; Visual; Interaction experience; Web


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题介绍 1

    1.1.1 课题研究的目的与意义 1

    1.1.2 课题的内容、重点、难点 2

    1.2 课题调研情况 3

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