





    Abstract:My graduation project is the design of the interior ceramic art - 《"the language of the sea》". The whole works as the main body to fish, and three inpiduals with different height, size. The overall form of the work is realistic and freehand brushwork, in the respect of the prototype based on the combination of ceramic art requirements for re creation. The works in design and manufacture of fine point, or even deliberately do freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting a little, in order to break the fish in the realistic modelling, let people see a ceramics characteristics of tropical fish.

    Combining the texture of colorful tropical fish and coral forms to express my works, one of the purposes is to decorate and beautify our living space, improve the quality of life. Secondly, in order to make people feel the beauty of the same time, can perceive the nature of people's life, and the spiritual world. So as to appreciate the design and the beauty of the art can think and think..

    The significance of this design is to reflect the beauty of form at the same time, can make people in the hectic city life, express a profound desire to return to nature, can allow people to relieve stress, relax and return to nature.

    Works on the overall tone of fresh and beautiful, colorful and harmonious emphasize.

    Keywords:  tropical fish, coral reefs, nature,interior furnishings ceramics   

    1 《海之语》背景分析和条件分析 4

    2 《海之语》设计目的和意义 4

    3 《海之语》方案概述 4

    3.1  创作构思 4

    3.2  设计内容 5

    3.2.1 《海之语》材料的选择 5

    3.2.2 《海之语》造型设计 5

    3.2.3 《海之语》色彩 6

    3.2.4 《海之语》装饰手法 6

    4      设计的创新和不足 6

    结 论 7

    参考文献 8

    致 谢 9

    作品效果图 10

     1 《海之语》背景分析和条件分析


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