
    摘  要:王铎是明末清初的一位书法家,并且在明清之际的书坛上,占有重要的一席之地。在长期探索中,王铎力求全面地继承和吸收传统的精华,从他临摹古帖和自身作品当中值得我们学习的一点就是“入古能化”,以古为师,一生坚持“一日临帖,一日应请索”的学习方法,始终让自己的书法创作与古典传统保持互动之势,在习古的同时努力将其“消化”融合到自己的作品中,创造新意。而他在师古的道路上又有着清醒的认识,可做到不离古,不泥古。他的书法成就虽以行草标榜,但楷书也有较高的艺术价值。他博学好古,是一位集古之大成者,深厚的临古功底和勇于开拓的精神使其在楷书上取得了新风貌,逐渐形成自己的风格。59028


    Abstract:Between Ming dynasty and early qing edition is a calligrapher, and on the gallery in the Ming and qing dynasty, occupies an important place. In the long-term exploration, edition to inheriting and absorbing the essence of traditional comprehensively, copying ancient from his post and their work is worthy of our learning is "the ancient", to the ancient, life adhere to the "writing a day imitating, one day the creation" learning methods, always keep his calligraphy creation and classical tradition interaction, at the same time of learning the ancient efforts to "digest" merged into the field of his work, create new idea. While he is on the way of pision of ancient and have a sober understanding, can do from the ancient, not old. Although with cursive flaunt his calligraphy achievements, but also have high artistic value of regular script. He learned so old, is a collection of these ancient, profound in ancient strength and to develop the spirit of has been made on the new features in the regular script, gradually formed its own style.

    Keywords:Wang Duo、Regular script、Style、To study the ancient calligraphy: with innovation

    绪言 3

    1  生平简介和时代背景 3

    1.1  晚明艺术思想的解放 3

    1.2  王铎多舛的人生 4

    1.3  被人忽视的楷书成就 4

    2  王铎楷书的书法风格 5

    2.1  深得钟繇风韵的小楷 5

    2.2  熟后能生的大楷 6

    3  王铎楷书书法风格的成因 8

    3.1  王铎的艺术思想 8

    3.2  王铎楷书的“入古”与“自化” 9

    3.2.1 “入古”的过程 9

    3.2.2 “自化”的过程 11

    3.2.3  自化完善,独树一帜 13

    4  王铎“入古能化”对后世书法学习的启示 13

    结 论 15

    参考文献 16

    致谢 17



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