


    Abstract  Twenty-first Century is the era of globalization, information technology, rapid development of science and technology, intelligent technology leap forward. With the increasing progress of science and technology, the improvement of people's quality of life and level, strengthen awareness of green energy-saving and environmental protection, the demand of the product is not only the appearance design and packaging, artificial intelligence and humanization design become more become an important direction of today's product design, and lampblack machine as one of kitchen appliances is one of the most important products, not just to purify kitchen environment and the generated in the process of cooking fume and harmful gas exhausted to the outdoor action is so simple, ingenious use of current era has brought to us technology, people of artificial intelligence technology and humanization design and storage design and lampblack machine will be clever combination. This paper is using artificial intelligence techniques for today's hot, reasonable of humanized design and storage design in lampblack machine product demand for analysis and discussion. The improvement of the existing fume machine should have the function and meet the people's aesthetic premise to design out with future fashion appearance and add more human nature of artificial intelligence for the purpose of design, for the user to bring more comprehensive and more convenient use of experience.

    Key words: range hood, artificial intelligence, humanized design, future storage type


    一、绪论·· 4

     (一)研究背景·· 4

     (二)设计目的及意义·· 4

     (三)产品设计运用的设计概念种类及应用方式 4

        1. 人工智能 ·· 4

        2. 人性化设计·  5

    3. 收纳设计··  5

     (四)现今油烟分析与探讨 6

        1. 油烟机种类··6

    2. 各大类型油烟机优缺点对比·6

        3. 现今油烟机普遍存在的问题·6

    二、设计定位及设计构思 7

     (一)设计定位·· 7

     (二)设计构思·· 7


    四、总结·· 8

     (一)设计中遇到的问题和解决方案·· 8

     (二)心得体会·· 8

    五、致谢·· 9






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