摘要赵孟頫是元代最具代表性的一位书画家,对诗文、书画、印章、音乐、鉴定皆有涉列,书名最为盛。其书学思想影响了元代书坛及后世。追求“古意”代表了他的艺术审美理想。《致中峰明本十一札》为晚年时期写给中峰明本的信札,是他书法风格的代表作品之一,本文对其复古、中和的审美特色按楷、行草书信的不同书体进行分析,其姿媚圆润的楷书结体端正,空间分布均匀,运笔流畅圆转流畅,上下相应 ;劲健飘逸的行草,点画使转自由而多变,飘逸灵动,中峰行笔,缓急有序,轻重相间。50461
毕业论文关键词: 赵孟頫;《致上峰明本十一札》;中和
look in the calligraphy of zhao mengfu from “ to the peak in the eleven” Zha Ming
The circle rounded Kai according to its peak is caused by Zhao Mengfu yuan is the most representative of a painting and calligraphy, poetry, painting and calligraphy, seal, music and identification of related columns, the title is most abundant. The book is thought to affect the Yuan Dynasty calligraphy and later. The pursuit of "old-fashioned" on behalf of his art aesthetic ideal. Ming Feng of the 11 Zagreb > later period wrote in the letters, he calligraphy style of representative works of the ancient, and the aesthetic characteristics of cursive letters of different scripts are analyzed, the deportment of regular script node decorous, spatial distribution is uniform, smooth pen smooth, corresponding; Jinjian elegant cursive, stipple rotating free and changeable Elegant and clever, the peak, the line, priorities, and severity.
Key Words: Zhao Meng-fu the species caused by out of 11 neutralize
目 录
一、《致中峰明本十一札》概况 1
一 《致中峰明本十一札》概况
延祐六年(1319年)赵孟頫得旨还乡,妻子管道升在途中去世,悲痛之余,念起妻子作为佛教信徒,虔诚颂经,望有日可为佛门弟子,便想请二人所敬重的中峰和尚为其超度,算是一个了愿。这一段时间,赵孟頫与中峰之间书信不断,其中有六月十二日的《南还札》和二十八日的《醉梦札》、七月二十三日的《还山札》、八月二十二日的《丹药札》。主要为夫妻感情笃深,现在“岂特失左右手而已耶” 的痛苦,和丧葬、佛事的安排。
《山上札》中赵孟頫则请明本为笑隐大(言斤)(1284-1344)修复杭州报国寺写化缘疏 ,时间为六月二十一日,在延佑七年。
《疮痍札》书于至治二年(1322)闰五月二十日 ,距去世不足一个月,感悟“人谁无死,如空华然”,以坦然面对生老病死之苦励勉明本,也是他面对生死坦然心境的真实写照。