


    Design of Library Hall

    Abstract:Library hall, as the name suggests, is relatively large in the library is open space. In accordance with the interpretation of Chinese-English Dictionary of the larger buildings in a spacious room, for the parlor, banquet, salute, exhibition or large, it is important halls. Especially the house in specialized interview and in honor of the guests room, the hall can be seen for the role of the building as the facade of the library, the library hall design often plays an important role, it is good or bad decision to the recognition of the people of the Library, with a general increase in the extent of human culture the development of the library is also extremely rapid, high-speed development has also brought the design of the taste of lower hall of the library is especially true of many libraries in the hall intentional pursuit of imposing ambitious or unconventional, ignored the needs of users. meet the landscaping needs of low vision users feel it is necessary hall of color, lighting, furniture, furnishings to a full range of interpretation of the design of the library hall, to create the environment and atmosphere of scholarly ink rhyme.

     Keywords: Library; hall; light; light; furniture

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