    本课题《Sweet Cake视觉形象VI设计说明》,通过基础构成部分和管理领域的VI应用规范两种表现方式。‘Sweet Cake’蛋糕店给人的第一印象是甜蜜而幸福的,所以我希望能将这种美好传递下去。我将以企业文化理念为基础,从蛋糕店的实际出发设计制作标志,我会着重于标志和蛋糕店名字的协调性,让更多的受众产生共鸣,将‘Sweet Cake’的经营理念、企业文化、管理制度真实有效的展现给社会大众,让‘Sweet Cake’这个蛋糕形象更加深得人心。
     ABSTRACT Nowadays, the importance of brand image to the enterprise brand image can't be ignored. Enterprise if the lack of a complete visual VI design, they would let consumers lack his unique characteristics in the subconscious ignore it; This directly affect the staff confidence in the corporate image. We recognize that corporate image through VI visual expression comes out, it not only let consumers have a lot of knowledge and understanding of the enterprise, also can let the enterprise the overall image of a more direct, make enterprises get more consumer recognition, so, corporate visual image that we can't be ignored and indispensable..
    This topic "Sweet Cake visual image VI design, manual, through the base part and management in the field of VI application specification in two ways. "Sweet Cake" Cake shop the first impression that gives a person is Sweet and happy, so I hope to be able to transfer this good. I will be on the basis of the concept of corporate culture, from the reality of Cake shop design logo, I will focus on the symbol and Cake shop name coordination, let more audience resonate, will be "Sweet Cake" business philosophy, corporate culture, real and effective management system is presented to the public, let "Sweet Cake" this Cake image is more popular.
    Keywords : Brand image; VI manuals; Corporate image;
    目  录
    第一章  “SWEET CAKE视觉形象VI设计”背景 1
    第二章  “SWEET CAKE蛋糕店”中的设计难点2
    第三章  “SWEET CAKE蛋糕店”中的设计思路3
      3.1 SWEET CAKE 蛋糕店VI创作思路 3
      3.2 SWEET CAKE蛋糕店VI设计的详细介绍 3
      3.2.1 Sweet Cake蛋糕店基础部分总体概括  4
      3.2.2 Sweet Cake蛋糕店应用部分总体概括  5
    第四章  SWEET CAKE蛋糕店VI设计的作用和意义 7
    参考文献 10
  1. 上一篇:动物公益海报的设计说明
  2. 下一篇:《金陵印象系列海报》海报设计说明
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