    VIS全称Visual Identity System,即视觉识别系统。企业通过VIS设计,对内可以征得员工的认同感,归属感,加强企业凝聚力;对外可以树立企业形象,资源整合,有控制的将企业信息传达给受众的意识,从而获得认同。对于追求持续发展的企业来讲,VIS设计的确立无疑是该企业无形资产的重要组成部分。46154
    ABSTRACT Candy as a casual food, a lot of consumer groups.The consumer market will also increase as the expansion, therefore, the competition between businesses will become more intense.Goods to consumers as the center, is bound to be the result of social development.At the same time, it also provides more space for the development of the candy VI design. For the candy VI design market, it brings both opportunities and challenges, but also to the designers. Designers face such a situation, only to emancipate the mind, to open up the field of vision, in order to accurately locate the candy VI design. 
    Visual full name Identity System VIS, that is, the visual recognition system.Enterprises through the VIS design, the can with the consent of the employee's sense of identity, sense of belonging, strengthen the cohesion of the enterprise; externally, it can establish a good corporate image, integration of resources, has control of the enterprises information to convey to the audience's consciousness, which has been recognized.For the pursuit of sustainable development of enterprises, the establishment of the VIS design is an important part of the intangible assets of the enterprise. 
    Key words: Candy; VIS design; Consumer; Intangible assets
    目  录
    一、  VIS设计综合概述    1
    1.1 VIS的意义    1
    1.2 VIS设计的基本原则    1
    二、  FOREVER(福爱我)糖果店VIS设计思路及设计效果    2
    2.1 FOREVER(福爱我)糖果店VIS设计基本思路    3
    2.2 FOREVER(福爱我)糖果店VIS设计详细介绍    3
    三、  出现问题及解决问题    5
    3.1制作过程出现问题    5
    3.2解决问题    6
    结束语    8
    致  谢    9
    参考文献    10
    一、  VIS设计综合概述
    1.1 VIS的意义
    一个出色的 VI 设计是企业的重要组成部分。首先,它将该企业与其他企业文化区别开来,还建立了该企业显著的行业特征,以确保该企业在经济活动当中的独特性和无法取代性。清楚地知道自己的市场定位。其次,传播了该企业的经营理念和企业文化,以形象的视觉形式宣传企业。紧接着,以自己特有的设计吸引大众的眼球并产生记忆,使消费者对该企业所提供的产品或服务形成最高的品牌忠诚度。当然,这也提高了该企业员工对企业的认同感和归属感。
    壮大企业的发展,VI系统毫无疑问是该企业的构成的必备条件。VI设计是企业树立品牌必须做的基础工作,创建属于自己的VI设计,能很好地宣传自身的文化。时至今日,VI的理论已经深入人心,无论是拥有跨国连锁店的超级的大型的企业。或是仅有数人甚至只有一人组成的小型公司,都会有建立自己的视觉和识别系统的需要。 然而,VI也有它的双面性:出色的VI 设计必然能够提升企业的形象、促进企业的发展,而平淡的 VI 设计也会为企业形象带来消极的负面影响、阻碍企业的成长。
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