
    摘要:健康的生活现今已慢慢成为人们新的追求对象,人们已不仅仅满足于衣食温饱,也开始注重起了生活的质量、水平和档次。生活总是无形中给我们带来多方面的压力,而运动能够让我们的身体变得健康,同时运动也是一项很好的减压方式。许多人喜欢去户外跑步做操等,但是空气质量往往不如人意,所以健身会所开始进入人们的视野,成为人们在生活品质上的新追求。健身会所的设计需要根据消费者的喜好和空间的类型,对其进行多功能规划,运动器材的选择和摆设,还有健身会所空间的色彩和配饰,都是健身会所设计中的重中之重。舒适性、安全性、活力感、 氛围感成了人们关注的重点 。健身会所的设计为了满足人们对健康生活的需要,最大限度的追求人性化和创新的设计。健身会所的原创设计必须考虑能够在迎合消费者的同时又有自己的独特性。设计师所设计的不只是空间,还有生活。让人们能够释放生活中的压力,通过健身会所找回属于自己的健康,形成一种对生活品质的追求。设计师应当对健身会所定制一个主题概念,这样的健身会所才会有它的新鲜感和独特的意义。43803


    Zero pressure of life on health care in interior design

    Abstract: Healthy life today has gradually become the new pursuit of object, people have not only satisfied with food and clothing, food and clothing also began to pay attention to the quality of life, level and class. Life always virtually brings us various pressure, and exercise can make our body health, sport but it is also a good way to relieve stress. Many people like to go jogging in the outdoor exercises, etc., but the air quality are not satisfied, so the fitness club to begin to enter people's horizons, to become the new pursuit of people on the quality of life. Fitness center design needs, depending on the type of consumer preferences and space of multifunctional planning, the choice of sports equipment and decoration, and fitness club space colour and accessories, is a top priority in the design of fitness club. Comfort, security, dynamic feeling, sense of atmosphere has become the focus of attention. The design of the fitness club in order to satisfy people's need for a healthy life, the pursuit of maximum humanized design and innovation. Original design of the fitness club to cater to consumers must be considered at the same time have their own uniqueness. Designers not only in the design space, and life. Allow people to release the pressure of life, through fitness club find belongs to own health, form a kind of pursuit of quality of life. Designer should be to fitness center to customize a theme concept, the fitness club will have its fresh and unique meaning.

    Key Words: The Quality Of Life;Humanization; Innovation;The Newness;Pragmatism


    绪论           4

    一、 健身房的研究背景  

    1.1 健身房的定义     4

    1.2 健身房的意义   5

    二、  健身房的设计中需要注意的要素   

    2.1、实用性    5

    2.2、创意性&个性要素   5

    2.3、氛围感    6

    2.4、空间透明感  6

    三、  健身房室内设计的表现形态和运用手法     

    3.1、设计主要理念  6

    3.2、平面布局思考  7

    3.3、色彩与材料选用  7

    3.4、灯光设计      8

    3.5、软装陈设      9

    四、  健身房室内设计的发展方向和未来前景   9

    结语  10

    致谢  10

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