


    The design of a daylily garden

    Abstract:According to the location of the base seat analysis, background design research, analysis of bases, the introduction of rain garden design ideas, combination of plants and landscape, with rational layout, scientific and ornamental, the combination of outstanding season both seasons plant landscape, ecological landscape and people-oriented principle, through the application of in Hemerocallis varieties, as well as the day lily in the garden show, create a plant show, cultural expression, interactive experience blend of Hemerocallis fulva special garden. The Hemerocallis special garden "one axis, line, area, multi node is in an integral structure, to Lily culture display axis, to the main road as main line, will the Hemerocallis special garden pided for Hemerocallis varieties and cultural display area, interactive experience area, plant landscape display area; glasses pursuit, micro flower solitary Xiu, Xu Xuan, sun lawn, flowers range rover as the main scenic spots. The special class garden to lily flower type, flower color and Hemerocallis fulva in garden application layout, the special class garden as a whole, similar varieties contrast.

    Keywords:Garden of Hemerocallis ;Hemerocallis;plant landscape; display


    1项目研究 3

    1.1 区位研究 3

    1.2 设计背景 3

    1.2.1 上海应用技术大学奉贤校区概况 3

    1.2.2 基地概况 3

    1.2.3 任务书解读 3

    1.3 基地现状分析 4

    1.3.1 综合现状分析 4

    1.3.2 基地现状调查分析 4

    2设计研判 4

    2.1 设计构思 4

    2.2 设计策略 5

    3总体设计 5

    3.1 设计依据 5

    3.2 设计原则 5

    3.2.1 合理布局原则 6

    3.2.2 观赏性和科普性相结合原则 6

    3.2.3 突出一季兼顾四季原则 6

    3.2.4 植物造景、生态造园原则 6

    3.2.5 以人为本原则 6

    3.3 设计理念 6

    4 设计内容与方法 7

    4.1 总体结构 7

    4.1.1 一轴

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