





    Watercolor painting is a Art youthful and expressive. As is a painting species , watercolor painting has revealed strong charm, which has a special status in the history of painting,too.

    From 18th century to 19th century, watercolor painting were developed an independent painting species by artist painters struggling.The  early 20th century, with the advent of The French impressionist,watercolor painting was introduced in London, which motivated an art movement of innovation. Then,watercolor painting entered into a new historical stage of development. It should be noted that In the history of the development of watercolor painting world, Pierre Vignal has especially significant effect. It is Impressionist development period for Pierre Vignal himself, so he paints watercolor painting with the element of impressionism. Plus, he enjoys painting out ofhome and gets rid of studio in order to promote his coloring, skill,composition, developing his style step by step.

    Pierre Vignal is a teacher and watercolor painting masters, which has a high evaluation.His watercolor effects surmounts national   boundaries,affecting a lot of watercolor painters.Pierre Vignal died in 1922,he dedicated his life to his watercolor art. In 1843,Pierre Vignal’s watercolor painting was entering the Chinese view,after  been widely spread and development.Especially in the Shanghai soil  valley, Pierre Vignal’s watercolor painting was copied and imitated by many students,it is important for Zhang Chongren, Ren Bonian and Liu Bizhen to paint watercolor painting. Meanwhile, their students  also imitate Pierre Vignal’s watercolor painting. They not only learned Pierre Vignal’s watercolor painting, some avant-garde Chinese painters were combining the way of Chinese and western,which also opened the door of modern Chinese watercolor.

    Pierre Vignal as part of the Shanghai Shanghai style of painting, as the loss of time, now already known, I as a watercolor painting lovers, learner, can hope to describe the this period of history.

    Key Words:Pierre Vignal; watercolor painting; Shanghai school    painting; Combination of Chinese and western

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