    摘要:提篮桥历史风貌区位于上海市北外滩虹口区东部,临近杨浦区, 与周边各区联系十分密切,不仅受到了陆家嘴金融区等的经济的辐射,而且还是外滩历史建筑物的延展地区,发展前景优异。第二次世界大战时间内,大量的欧洲犹太难民逃亡到了这里并开始长期居住, 使得该风貌区具有独特的建筑风格和特殊的文化价值。留存历史上犹太人民的居住痕迹,形成独特的旅游线路,展现出提篮桥历史文化风貌区的历史价值和文化价值,是对其景观进行再生的重要目标。再者,提篮桥历史风貌区现作为人们的居住区,是人们进行日常饮食、居住、运动、交往、娱乐和休息的重要场所。其核心在于服务于人,因此在设计中我们应考虑人的活动、人的故事、人的精神,同时在设计中应处处体现人文情怀,以人为本,不但满足各层次、各年龄段人的生理需求,同时考虑他们的心理需求、情感需求和行为需求。结合提篮桥历史的发展,同时在设计中应融入于保护自然和景观再生的设计理念。通过对目前基地现状的调查和分析,营造一个健康舒适的空间,同时追求历史存在与人为活动的融合,适当地增加基础设施和绿化景观,保护和发展提篮桥历史文化风貌区。 43236
    Eastern Noah's Ark——Research and design on landscape regeneration of Tilanqiao historic district
    Abstracts: Tilanqiao historic district is located in the east of Shanghai North Bund in Hongkou District, near the Yangpu District, has a very close contact with the surrounding district, not only by the Lujiazui Financial District of economic radiation, and continuation of the historical buildings on the Bund area, has great potential for development. During the Second World War, a large number of European Jewish refugees fled to here and began to live a long time,and the district has a unique architectural style and special cultural values. Retained in the history of Jewish traces to form the unique tourism line, showing  the historical value and cultural value of Tilanqiao historic, is an important goal of the landscape regeneration.Furthermore, Tilanqiao historic district now as a residence for people is an important place forpeople in daily diet, living, movement, communication, entertainment and rest.  Its core is to serve the people. Therefore, we should consider in the design of human activities, the story, the spirit of the people, at the same time  we  should embody humanistic feelings, people-oriented, not only  meet the physiological needs of all levels and people of all ages,  but also  consider their psychological needs, emotional needs and behavior demands. With the development of Tilanqiao history, at the same time  it  should be designed into the protection of nature and landscape regeneration design. Through the investigation and analysis of the status of base, create a healthy and comfortable space while pursuing historical existence and human activities of fusion, appropriately increasing the infrastructure and green landscape, and protecting and developing the Tilanqiao historic district.   
    Key words:Tilanqiao, historic district , Landscape regeneration, urban development


    1.绪论  ...  5 

    1.1 研究背景  ...  5 

    1.2 研究意义  ...  5 

    2 基地分析    7 

    2.1 基地及周边区位分析 .  7 

    2.2 基地现状分析  ...  7 

    2.3 基地自然环境分析 ...  8 

    3 案列分析    9 

    3.1 重庆 渝中区中山四路   9 

    3.2 上海 新天地    9 

    3.3 案例总结  ..  10 

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