

    毕业论文关键词:生态;城市绿地 ;景观设计;和谐

    Shanghai city Kaixin Estate ecological green land landscape design

    Abstract:The design project based in Shanghai Jinqiao and located in the middle of Shanghai Pudong new area, Zhangjiang hi-tech park in the south, north depends on the Huangpu River, in the west it is on the other side of the Lujiazui finance &trade zone, Waigaoqiao free trade zone and port in the east, it is a state-level development zone ——The main development area of Jinqiao export processing zone. Shanghai city Kaixin Estate ecological green land covers an area of 2.3 hectares, it is a north-south long and narrow area and adjacent to Yanggao north road,the traffic there is very convenient. Design should be according to the construction of ecological green space as an opportunity to introduce ecological science and technology planning and design of the concept of ecological green space. Green space target the recreation utility, with the function of control function and landscape ecological city leisure space and ecological environment with perfect combination of ecological green space. After the completion of Kaixin Estate,it should be both ecological and landscape features, providing people with cultural, leisure, entertainment, sightseeing, fitness and other multifunctional services. Green land planning and design should be considered cultural heritage, reasonable function and ecological priority, retention characteristics and meet the contemporary needs of recreation in life. Design content includes the overall planning and design ,transportation, plants, architectural pieces, road, functional zoning map other planning and design.

    KeyWords:Ecology ; Urban Green Space; Landscape design ;Harmonious

    目  录

    1 引言 1

    2 背景分析-3

    3 基地现状分析-4

    3.1 区位分析-4

    3.2 周边环境分析-4

    3.3 自然条件分析-4

    3.3.1 地理条件4

    3.3.1 地理地质4

    3.3.2 自然资源4

    4 设计理念与目的-6

    4.1 设计理念-6

    4.2 设计目的-6

    4.3 设计原则-6

    4.3.1 以人为本6

    4.3.2 以绿为主6

    4.3.3 因地制宜6

    4.3.4 崇尚自然6

    4.3.5 可持续性7

    4.4 设计要素-7

    4.4.1 生态性7

    4.4.2 功能性8

    4.4.3 艺术性8

    4.4.4 地域性9

    5 设计方法与内容10

    5.1 总体布局10

    5.2 功能分区10

    5.2.1 运动健身区-10

    5.2.2 市民广场区-10


    5.2.4 植物观赏区-11

    5.3 道路交通11

    5.4 绿化设计12

    5.5 水体13


    6 结束语14

    7 致谢15

    8 参考文献16


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