




    毕业论文关键词: Flash广告;设计;制作;动画;图像

    "Yindanxintai Diwan" Drug Advertising Design and Production

    Abstract: This topic is "Yindanxintai Diwan" drug advertising design and production, the main task is using a variety of multimedia expression, animation, images, art, video, sound and other multimedia information of integration and the theme of the show through a series of cartoon advertisement design, yindanxintai Diwan was introduced, publicity, so a major number of consumers know the brand of the product, promotion of prevention and treatment of heart, brain, vascular diseases in the good effect. 

    I analyze products for the analysis of the disease, the composition and efficacy of drugs, drug clinical analysis, advertising investment, market analysis and development trends and so on.

    First problem is that the product is not comprehensive enough, the drug on website made brief explanation, did not specifically emphasized the extent of its efficacy, only to show the packaging shell, and does not show it’s internal, so I found similar products, understanding the characteristics of dropping pill, collecting and surveying analysis of yindanxintai Diwan related information, such as the product brand, product introduction, product packaging, product characteristics, product composition analysis, pharmacological properties, safety research, clinical application, preventive effect, product development present situation and so on.

    Followed by how to achieve the purpose of passing information to consumers, I choose to express the form of advertising design for Flash animation, Flash advertising cross media, but production, change of the cost is definitely low. Design of drug advertisements are the most important, starting with respecting the objective facts, designed to express the actual efficacy of advertising of yindanxintai Diwan.

    Keywords: Flash advertising; Design; Production; Animation; Image


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    2 “银丹心泰滴丸”药品广告片设计与制作的可行性分析 3


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