    Stormwater Management and Landscape Upgrading Plan for Nanjing University of Science and Technolog
    Abstract: Storm water management system is a set of related concepts and methods, theory and technology, laws and regulations, management mechanism and so on. Their formation and development play an important role in solving the problem of rain and flood and improving the environment. The low-lying areas of Nanjing University of Science and Technology are flooded every summer, which gives teachers and students a great impact on travel. This paper studies from the angle of modern stormwater management. It designs a wetland park around the Zixia lake. And a large number of ecological grass ditches and other water storage and drainage facilities have been planned around the student dormitories. We hope to solve the serious flood problems in our city generally face at the same time, improve the ecological environment and enhance the city landscape design, finally achieving the sustainable development of urban habitat.
    Key words: storm water management system; landscape design; green infrastructure; Nanjing University of Science and Technolog
    摘要    3
    关键词    3
    Abstract    3
    Key words    3
    引言    3
    1综述    4
    1.1国内外现代雨洪管理体系及发展    4
    1.1.1美国雨洪管理体系    4
    1.1.2英国可持续排水系统(SUDS)    4
    1.1.3澳大利亚水敏感性城市设计(WSUD)    5
    1.1.4其他国家雨洪管理体系概况    5
    1.1.5中国    5
    1.2现代雨洪管理体系特征与本质    7
    1.2.1现代雨洪管理体系的特征    7
    1.2.2现代雨洪管理体系的本质    7
    1.3雨洪管理理论与城市景观规划结合    7
    1.3.1雨洪管理理论与城市景观规划结合方法    7
    1.3.2雨洪管理理论与城市景观规划结合案例    8
    1.3.3雨洪管理理论与城市景观规划结合具体措施    8
    1.4小结    10
    2规划设计说明    10
    2.1项目概况    10
    2.1.1项目背景    10
    2.1.2规划范围    10
    2.2项目区位    10
    2.3现状分析    10
    2.3.1周边交通与环境    10
    2.3.2水文分析    10
    2.3.3下垫面分析    11
    2.3.4暴雨重灾区    11
    2.3.5积水原因    11
    2.4规划依据    11
    2.5规划目标    11
    2.6规划原则    11
    2.7规划理念    12
    2.8规划结构    12
    2.9规划内容    13
    2.9.1分区    13
  1. 上一篇:苏州澄湖三角嘴休闲渔业园规划设计
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