    Landscape Design of Mengyin Dong Wen River green space
    Abstract:With the rapid development of modernization and urban construction, which leads to serious environmental damage, people are gradually aware of the importance of green space. Will be a beautiful environment, ecological leisure, full-featured public green space applied to the city's leisure space, to create a truly people-oriented urban landscape, both now and in the future have important significance. Therefore, the urban public green space began to occupy an important position in urban planning and design, in order to achieve a high degree of urban garden and ecological, to achieve sustainable development. This paper introduces the concept and function of urban public green space. Through the research on the development of urban public green space at home and abroad, this paper discusses the principle of public greenland landscape design and provides the theoretical basis for the subsequent green landscape design.
    Key words: urban public green spaee;green landscape;landscape design
    目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    引言    1
    综述    1
    1.1  城市公共绿地概述    1
    1.1.1  城市公共绿地的概念    1
    1.1.2  城市公共绿地的功能    2
    1.1.3  城市公共绿地的生态特性    2
    1.2  国内外城市公共绿地发展研究    2
    1.2.1  国外进展    2
    1.2.2  国内进展    3
    1.3  城市公共绿地设计原则    3
    1.3.1 “以人为本”的原则    3
    1.3.2 “景观生态”的原则    3
    1.3.3 “地域特色”的原则    3
    2  设计说明    3
    2.1  项目概况    3
    2.1.1  地理位置    3
    2.1.2  上位规划    3
    2.1.3  自然资源    4
    2.1.4  项目现状    4
    2.2  现状分析    4
    2.2.1  周边环境分析    4
    2.2.2  场地分析    4
    2.3  设计目标    4
    2.4  设计原则    4
    2.4.1  营造地方风格特色    4
    2.4.2  坚持以人为本    4
    2.4.3  注重生态可持续    5
    2.5  设计依据    5
    2.6  设计概念与构思    5
    2.7  总体设计    5
    2.7.1  景观结构    5
    2.7.2  功能分区    5
    2.7.3  交通组织    6
    2.8  专项设计    6
    2.8.1  竖向设计    6
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